Fitness and weight gain diet

The first meal: breakfast

Because there is no food supply for one night, the body is in urgent need of calories, especially carbohydrates, to provide energy for the first few hours of work. Complex carbohydrates (such as oatmeal, brown rice, sweet potato, corn, etc. )? Burning? It is a good choice to sleep slowly and provide energy for a long time.

Of course, you also need to take protein to maintain the continuous flow of amino acids in the blood, which helps to prevent muscle catabolism. This meal should provide about 50g of protein (milk or eggs are ok).

The second meal: snacks in the morning

About 3 hours after breakfast is the time to eat again. This is a smaller meal in a day, which only needs to provide energy for the body in the rest of the morning and keep the continuous flow of hydrogen and acid in the blood.

Hydrogen acid comes from protein, and protein can choose chicken breast or high protein powder for this meal. You can also eat some carbohydrates, such as fruit. Fruit is also cellulose. The points that need attention are usually lacking in the diet of most bodybuilders.

The third meal: lunch

Lunch focuses on protein and also includes complex carbohydrates and vegetables. Protein foods, such as beef, salmon, etc., are a good choice in the muscle building stage, because they can provide extra calories (fat) outside of protein. The fat contained in salmon and other fish is healthy fat.

As for carbohydrates, you can choose any complex carbohydrates you want, such as potatoes, rice and pasta.

The fourth meal: before training

Like snacks in the morning, the main purpose of this meal is to ensure the continuous flow of amino acids in the blood. It should be taken at least one hour before training. In the muscle building stage, you can choose a protein drink (such as boxed milk) and add some carbohydrates. If you are in the thin stage, you can use carbohydrate drinks directly.

The fifth meal: after training and dinner

This meal consists of two parts. The first part is a protein drink taken about 30 minutes after training. Whether you want to gain muscle mass or lose body fat, you should take in simple carbohydrates to replenish glycogen reserves consumed in training. The most ideal way is to consume protein and carbohydrates in the ratio of 1: 2. It is ideal to consume 25-30g protein, because you should not only ensure that grams of amino acids can rebuild the price of muscles and humidifiers, but also not slow down the absorption rate of simple carbohydrates because of excessive intake of protein.

The second part of this meal is taken about one hour after dessert. It consists of solid food and should include a complex carbohydrate (such as rice and potatoes) and high-quality protein (such as steak). Eat a lot of vegetables.

The sixth meal: midnight snack

The most important part of this meal is protein, which ensures that amino acids are provided to the body during sleep. If you want to eat, you can also eat a small amount of carbohydrates. Of course, most bodybuilders always avoid carbohydrates completely at night, because they are easier to turn into fat during rest.

Muscle-building and fattening food

● Beef

● Chicken and Turkey

On average, one serving170g of skinless chicken breast contains about 40g of protein and 2g of fat. The nutritional density of turkey breast is higher. The same amount of turkey breast contains about 42g protein, and the fat1g. You can safely eat up to 4 servings of chicken breast or turkey breast every day, and you don't have to worry about extra burden except increasing muscle mass.

● eggs

Eggs are considered to be. Perfect food? It is one of the sources of high-quality protein, and also contains many vitamins and minerals.

● tuna

There are many kinds of fish to choose from when it comes to high-quality protein sources for muscle building, and tuna is the best choice. Each serving170g of tuna contains about 44g of protein and little fat.

● Milk

Dairy products contain protein, and protein is slow to digest, so it can provide stable amino acids for several hours. A cup of 227g skim milk contains 8g protein, and is also rich in vitamin D and calcium, which are two important components for maintaining bone health, muscle strength and muscle growth.

● Brown rice

Because brown rice is covered with rice bran, the digestion and absorption speed of brown rice in the body is slow, so it can provide stable sugar as an energy source for your training. It is recommended to take 1-2 cups of brown rice every day.

● Sweet potato

Sweet potato is another carbohydrate source with slow digestion, and it also contains a lot of nutrients. A cup of sweet potato dices contains 25% more vitamin C and phosphorus than the recommended daily nutritional intake.

● Nuts and seeds

Although nuts and seed foods contain a lot of fat, most of them are unsaturated fats that are beneficial to health, and most nuts have extremely high nutritional density and contain healthy antioxidants and protein. Nuts include almonds, hazelnuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios and walnuts.