National average male height

Average height of boys in China169.7cm.

Height refers to the vertical distance from the vertex (V) to the ground. Generally speaking, "meter" (m) is often used in centimeters (cm). Height is the length of the longitudinal part of the human body, which originates from the longitudinal growth of the human body and is greatly influenced by genetic factors.

The height development of girls is earlier than that of boys, growing rapidly at the age of 12- 13, and stopping at the age of 19-23, while the height development of boys is later, growing rapidly at the age of 15- 16 and stopping at the age of 20-25.

According to paleoanthropologists, the average height of men in Han Dynasty was 169.5cm, that in Tang Dynasty was 167.0cm, and that in Song Dynasty was164.5cm. Although the decline of age may be related to the increase of population, the productivity did not keep up, and people could not get enough nutrition, but it was much higher than that in neighboring countries. Even compared with European countries, it is higher than them.