Poor hearing, how to deal with tinnitus and brain ringing?

Treat all kinds of tinnitus:

1. Strengthen psychological construction and psychological counseling and treatment;

A. tell tinnitus that it will not cause further hearing loss or total deafness. Don't be afraid of tinnitus, try to enjoy it and "coexist peacefully" with it.

B. Eliminate unnecessary anxiety and avoid stress.

2. Try to avoid the following:

A. Avoid some irritating foods, such as coffee, tea, peppers, etc.

B. Avoid long-term exposure to excessive noise and noisy environment.

C. avoid excessive fatigue and staying up late, and ensure adequate sleep and rest.

D. avoid using headphones or earplugs of the walkman and listen to music and CDs more.

3. General internal medicine medication:

Mainly mild sedatives (antipsychotics) to improve anxiety and insomnia caused by tinnitus; Adding nerve activator or blood circulation promoter to promote the circulation function of inner ear, auditory nerve and brain; Some doctors will also supplement some vitamins to promote nerve function.

4. Biofeedback training:

It is a skill training to relax the body, including moderate exercise and massage, mainly by relaxing the nervous tension of the whole body, improving the circulation of the head, taking a moderate deep breath and relaxing the muscles of the whole body. The real purpose of biofeedback training is to guide patients with tinnitus and learn how to relieve the pressure and tension of ordinary daily life, which has a good effect on patients with severe tinnitus, thus affecting daily life.

5. Tinnitus retraining method:

Tinnitus retraining therapy is a newly popular tinnitus treatment method, which combines low volume and continuous background sound, and makes use of one-on-one direct psychological counseling and guidance from doctors and patients. The patient uses a hearing aid with an in-ear sound generator and keeps the surrounding background sound continuously for at least 8 hours every day. This combined counseling and guidance method aims to help tinnitus patients adapt to and get used to his tinnitus sound. 12-24 months later, the general tinnitus retraining method does not need to use a hearing aid with an in-ear sound generator. The effect is good, but it takes time (doctors and patients).

6. Use tinnitus mask:

Based on the principle of "hearing suppression", the tinnitus frequency of patients should be matched first. Is it low audio, medium audio or high audio? Choose a tinnitus hearing aid with similar frequency, use a volume slightly larger than its tinnitus sound (which can cover the tinnitus sound), and wear it for about one to two hours every day. This tinnitus masking device is different from the in-ear sounding hearing aid in tinnitus retraining method. Another method has the same principle, but it can also improve tinnitus by listening to tinnitus music tapes. For example, listening to the sound of waterfalls or waves can make tinnitus disappear.

7. Injection anesthesia and steroid therapy:

That is, the application of intravenous anesthetic (lidocaine) can make tinnitus disappear temporarily; Some doctors inject anesthetics or steroids into the middle ear cavity to improve tinnitus, but the effect is not lasting, and various patients have different reactions, so they are still studying improvement.

8. The method of ear surgery:

With the development of medical science and technology, surgery is still the last resort to treat tinnitus, which is only suitable for a few cases, such as acoustic neuroma surgery or artificial electronic ear implantation surgery, so it is not suitable for ordinary tinnitus patients.

9. Alternative therapy:

When the curative effect of tinnitus treatment is not satisfactory, traditional herbal therapy, acupuncture therapy, electromagnetic wave therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, hypnosis therapy and other so-called alternative therapies are still being studied and explored because of their inconsistent effects.