Summary of the solution to the extreme racing horizon 4 flash back and forth.
1. The first question is the system version:
If you are a user of the preview experience plan, neither dev nor beta can enter the game.
Secondly, if you are win 10 enterprise LTSC (that is, long-term service version), you can't enter the game either.
If the system version is too low, please upgrade Windows10version15063.0 or higher.
When the preview version and enterprise LTSC windows open the game, the symptoms are as follows: you can see the progress by opening the details of the task manager, but the game will not start (if you are a preview experience plan user, it seems that you can only see the details), and then the process will only start in the background, and the game time will continue to increase.
In the above two cases, there is no particularly good solution, which can only be solved by reinstalling the 20H2 version of windows 10.
If you don't have the above situation or have the above situation, please read on. There are various reasons for the flashback of this game, so you'd better try them all.
2. Missing system components
(1) If you flash back immediately after opening the game:
First, you can download a DirectX repair tool to detect and repair the enhanced version of DirectX status 4.0.
According to the above settings, select Repair.
(2) If you flash back in the health game suggestion interface.
You must first make sure that your computer user name is in Chinese. You can see it in the system settings and account information (in addition, it is strongly recommended to log in to the system with Microsoft account, which will save a lot of trouble in the future). If you have a Chinese user name, you can consider changing it to Chinese.
However, this user name will cause some software to be unusable or wrong, so you must be prepared to reinstall these software.
(3) If the prompt lacks gamingtcui.dll,
Download and then copy to the C:WindowsSystem32 directory.
3. Software conflict/antivirus software conflict
360, MSI afterburner, Logitech GHUB, MacType, bitdefender, or some headphones with usb interface may cause the game to flash back. This reason is the most complicated and needs to be investigated one by one. If anti-virus software is installed, be sure to set the game directory and files as trust. If you install some of the above software and flash back, unfortunately, you can only choose one of these software and games. This is the developer's pot, and there is no good way. The quickest way to check is to right-click the windows icon, run and enter msconfig, switch to the Services tab, click Hide all Microsoft services, then deselect all startup items except the steam service, and then restart the computer. If the game can be successfully started, you can check which software services conflict with the game one by one.
4. Card login interface
This is actually the best problem to solve. This is basically a server problem, which can be basically solved by hanging an accelerator.
If it doesn't work, it is recommended to download a UsbEAm Hosts editor, click on the Microsoft related host and save it.
In addition, open Settings-Games-xbox Network to check the nat type. If "On" is not displayed here, you need to set it accordingly:
If it still doesn't work, hang the ladder. Xbox network is so painful.