English adverbs, grammatically, refer to the parts of speech used to modify notional verbs, adjectives and other adverbs in English. Adverbs exist in many word orders in English. Adverbs usually precede adjectives and other adverbs and follow notional verbs.
Or after modal verbs, copulative verbs and auxiliary verbs, but before notional verbs; It can be used alone or before the text (although it is before the text, it is after the conjunction). Adverbs and adjectives have the same level changes in grammar.
Adverb (adv for short) refers to a word that expresses the characteristics of behavior or state in a sentence, which is used to modify verbs, adjectives, other adverbs or the whole sentence and express concepts such as time, place, degree and way. Adverbs can be divided into time adverbs, frequency adverbs, place adverbs, way adverbs, degree adverbs, question adverbs, connection adverbs, relationship adverbs, adverbs indicating order and adverbs indicating completion.
The order of adverbs used together: degree adverb+place adverb+way adverb+time adverb.
Function: A word that can modify or restrict verbs or adjectives and express degree or scope.