What's in the fart?

A fart contains about 59% nitrogen, 2 1% hydrogen, 9% carbon dioxide, 7% methane and 4% oxygen-all these gases are tasteless. But less than 1% of it is composed of trace amounts of other chemicals, such as ammonia and fecal odor? These chemicals will give off an unbearable pungent smell, and people can smell it as long as there is one-hundredth of this gas in the air; If the Pentagon can concentrate these chemicals into a gas compound, then we can even cause large-scale damage without nuclear weapons. Usually, the fart will always be mixed with hydrogen sulfide, most of which comes from mucus, which makes the fart smell like rotten eggs. (In fact, a doctor named michael levitt in Minneapolis Veterans Government Hospital once said that sulfur is really the worst component of fart. )