First, the mistake of choosing clothes for children. Some parents may find some coral velvet clothes very comfortable when they buy clothes for their children in winter. Therefore, it is very incorrect for children to wear it. If children are allowed to wear these furry clothes, it is very likely that their skin will be very uncomfortable. When we choose close-fitting clothes for our children, we must choose some cotton breathable clothes. In this way, children will feel more comfortable when they wear it again, and it is not easy to get eczema. If parents always let their children wear some uncomfortable clothes, children will easily find eczema and feel very uncomfortable. Parents must pay attention to this situation.
Second, how to pay attention to the hygiene of personal clothes? When we wash our children's intimate clothes, don't put them in the washing machine. Neither children's personal clothes nor parents' personal clothes can be washed in the washing machine. Otherwise, it is likely to make the child uncomfortable. Moreover, after washing clothes for children at home, you must choose to expose yourself to the sun. In this case, we can also kill some bacteria and mites. If we put them in the bathroom and wait for them to dry, it will also lead to the growth of bacteria and make the baby very uncomfortable.
Third, summarize. When choosing clothes that are close to your baby, you must choose clothes that are suitable for your baby, and you must change them every day, because your baby likes to crawl around and sweat easily. If it is not replaced, it is very likely that the baby will have eczema and the skin will be uncomfortable.