What is normal semen like! What does it smell like! What does this smell like? Is it light or strong? how

Too young, pay attention to moderation, as the saying goes, exquisite to overflow. If you sell more goods, it will naturally be tasteless.

Semen consists of sperm and seminal plasma, of which sperm accounts for 10% and the rest is seminal plasma.

The composition of seminal plasma is very complex, mainly composed of various essential enzymes for sperm capacitation and some trace elements, fructose, inositol, spermine, prostaglandin and so on. , but there are few solid components, except a small amount of protein, the rest are water. Changes in the composition and biochemical properties of seminal plasma will affect sperm motility and hinder pregnancy.

Now all you are shooting is water, which naturally has no taste. In short, don't think that you are too indulgent when you are young. Pay attention to moderation! ! !