Influence of mental health on occupation

Mental health plays an important role in our life, and harmonious interpersonal relationship plays an important role in our life. Marx once said that people are social animals, and living in this world is inseparable from contact with others. Therefore, learning to communicate with others is an indispensable part of our life. I believe that everyone is eager to communicate with others, but some people are afraid to communicate with others, which is caused by psychology.

There is a famous saying that only 15% of a person's success is due to his professional skills, while 85% depends on his interpersonal relationship and his ability to be a man. In today's society, success depends only on professional knowledge. Without good communication skills, it is difficult to find a way out. In the process of communication, it is very important for everyone to maintain a good psychological quality.

There is no absolute dividing line for mental health, and mental state will change in the process of growth. In this process, everyone will encounter all kinds of troubles, but it does not mean that they are psychologically unhealthy. The important thing is to solve the troubles effectively, that is, to enjoy the process of life with a positive attitude.