Age characteristics of children's mental health development

Age characteristics of children's mental health development

(A) the concept of children's psychological age characteristics

Age characteristics are typical characteristics of people representing the same age stage. Generally speaking, children's age characteristics include children's physiological age characteristics and children's psychological age characteristics. The so-called age characteristics of children's psychological development refer to the general, typical and essential psychological characteristics formed and displayed by children at all ages.

1. The stage of children's psychological development is often marked by age. Because age is a sign of a child's life time. Children's physical development and experience accumulation are related to life time. The development of children's psychology is inseparable from these two aspects. On the one hand, children's physiological age characteristics are the natural premise of children's psychological age characteristics. Generally speaking, children are young, and the characteristics of physiological age have great constraints on psychological development. On the contrary, children are older, and the physiological age characteristics have relatively little restriction on their psychological development. Therefore, the physiological age characteristics of children have a certain effect on the psychological age characteristics, but they cannot be confused.

On the other hand, children's psychology is developed by mastering social knowledge, experience and skills in their own activities under the influence of adult education. It is in a certain period of time that children communicate with people around them, accumulate various experiences and form new characteristics of psychological development, thus ensuring the transition from one development stage to another.

Therefore, age is a necessary condition for children's psychological development and plays a regular restrictive role in psychological development.

However, age itself cannot determine the characteristics of children's psychological development. The psychological age characteristics of children do not fully correspond to their actual age. As we all know, children's psychological age and full-time age are often different.

2. Children's psychological age characteristics are formed under certain social and educational conditions. The direction and trend of children's psychological development are restricted by the objective laws of their own development, but due to different social and educational conditions, children's age characteristics will be different. For example, the level of production development in primitive society is extremely low, and children can already participate in social productive labor with adults, so their childhood is very short. With the improvement of social production level, children need more time to study and prepare to participate in social productive labor, childhood is gradually prolonged, and the age characteristics of children's psychology change accordingly. It can be seen that children's psychological age characteristics do not appear spontaneously with age.

On the issue of the characteristics of the times, we should correctly handle the dialectical relationship between generality and individuality, typicality and diversity, essential characteristics and non-essential characteristics. We can't deny individuality by commonness, diversity by typicality, and non-essential characteristics by essential characteristics. On the contrary, we can't deny generality by individuality, typicality by diversity, and essential characteristics by non-essential characteristics. As we all know, intelligence tests or behavior scales often use "norm" to represent the development level of children at a certain age. In fact, "norms" help to explain the behavior of groups and understand the general speed and characteristics of children's psychological development, but they are not completely applicable to every individual.

(B) the stability and variability of children's psychological age characteristics

The stability and variability of children's psychological age characteristics are determined by their environment and education. Generally speaking, under certain social and educational conditions, children's psychological age characteristics have certain stability, that is, the order of stages, the changing process and speed of each stage, etc. Most of them are stable and the same as * * *.

However, because each child's environment and education are different, or the social environment and education have different effects on children, there can be a certain gap between them in the process and speed of children's psychological development, which is called variability.

The stability and variability of children's psychological age characteristics are relative, interdependent, infiltrated and unified, and are the unity of * * * and personality. With the different conditions, the age characteristics of children may change to some extent, that is, some characteristics may be advanced or postponed, but these changes are limited.
