How long was the femur at birth?

With the growth of gestational age, the fetus is also developing, such as the length of femur, which is also increasing. These growths have certain standards, so many expectant mothers will pay more attention to the standard values of fetal development. So, how long is the femur at birth?

How long is the femur when the fetus is born? Fetal femur length is generally calculated from 13 weeks of pregnancy, because the first trimester (pregnancy 1- 12 weeks) is a process from the implantation of fertilized eggs to the initial development of fetal genitalia, and then the organs tend to be perfect. The fetus develops rapidly in the second trimester, and the femur grows rapidly. The growth rate is different in different gestational weeks, depending on the standard value of femur length. In the third trimester, fetal femur grows slowly, about 1 to 2 cm per week.

Femur is the largest long bone in human body and a typical long tubular bone in human body. Femoral length can be used to observe whether fetal development is normal during pregnancy. Reminder: Femoral length can be used to evaluate whether fetal development is normal, but expectant mothers should be careful not to check frequently. It's not good to do too much B-ultrasound. Just check according to the normal items of prenatal examination during pregnancy. In addition, sometimes the fetal femur length is different from the standard value. At this time, expectant mothers don't have to worry, because the fetus is active in the pregnant mother's stomach, the fetal position is different, and the operation of different doctors will cause data errors. Experts say that after 30 weeks of pregnancy, there is a two-week error.

How long is the femur in a week? Normal 1. There is an error in the measurement. After 30 weeks of pregnancy, the femoral length is allowed to have an error of two weeks. As long as it is within this range, pregnant mothers don't need to worry too much.

2. Fetal hypoplasia If the measured value of femoral length is very different from the standard value, it is probably fetal hypoplasia. Pregnant women should monitor their babies and their own health. If they have irregular abdominal pain, redness and other symptoms, they should go to the hospital for examination in time.

3. Fetal congenital femoral length Some fetuses have congenital femoral length due to genetic factors. Experts say that congenital femoral length will affect the baby's height, but this situation can be changed. Now the nutrition of the baby after birth has far exceeded the innate influence. Therefore, it is very helpful for the baby to drink more milk, supplement more calcium and strengthen physical exercise after birth.

4. Calcium deficiency during pregnancy may affect the length of femur. It is suggested that pregnant women should properly supplement calcium and high-quality protein, and eat more calcium-rich foods in their diet, such as milk, lean meat and bone soup. In addition, pregnant women should get more sunshine, which is beneficial to the absorption of calcium.