First of all, the food should be fragrant, and the ordinary food should be fragrant. This is because the taste and appetite of the elderly are very poor, and they often feel lack of taste when eating. Therefore, cooking for the elderly should pay attention to color, fragrance and taste, so as to arouse the appetite of the elderly, and the elderly will eat well and be healthier. Then the quality is better, because the organs of the elderly are degenerating, and the metabolism of the elderly is mainly catabolism, so more protein is needed to make up for the consumption of tissue protein at ordinary times, and the quality of diet at ordinary times must be better.
Next, the amount should be small. Studies show that overeating is harmful to health, and it is appropriate for the elderly to be 80% full at every meal, especially at dinner. There are also more vegetables. We always hear that old people look like children as they get older. In fact, this will be reflected in eating. Old people generally don't like vegetables as much as children, which we must pay attention to. Because vegetables contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, they are very good for the cardiovascular system of the elderly, and many elderly people will have constipation problems. Eating more vegetables can relieve it. It is best to eat 250 grams of vegetables every day.
There are many kinds of food. Protein, fat, sugar, vitamins, minerals and water are six essential nutrients, which are widely found in various foods. In order to absorb nutrients in a balanced way and keep healthy, you should eat a little variety of foods. Besides, the taste should be light. Many old people like to eat heavy flavors. As people get older, their tastes seem to get worse, so they always like to add a lot of salt. In order to help the elderly control this, 6 grams of salt a day is enough. The food should be soft, the teeth of the elderly often loosen and fall off, the masticatory muscles weaken, the secretion of digestive juice and digestive enzymes decreases, and the gastrointestinal digestive function decreases. So the food should be softer.