Solid state parameters of Samsung 98 1a

Samsung 9a 1 SSD parameters

Samsung 9a 1 SSD parameters

Samsung 9a 1 has a cache. Samsung 9a 1 is a hard disk produced by Samsung. According to the description, Samsung 9a 1 has a cache. The product has standard NVMe protocol M2 interface and single-sided PCB design, which meets the test results of ASSSD.

Independent buffer. Samsung 9a 1 independent cache refers to an independent cache area. Samsung PM9A 1 is an upgraded version of PM98 1A, which can be regarded as the OEM version of 980Pro and Samsung's first NVMe SSD supporting PCIe0 channel.

This is a TLCV particle. According to the public information about Samsung 9a 1 released by Samsung official website, Samsung 9a 1 has two sixth-generation TLCV-NAND particles, both of which have a capacity of 256GB.

The parameters of Samsung 980pro SSD are as follows: Interface: PCIeGen0x4, compatible with PCIeGen0. Capacity: 250GB, 500GB, 1TB, 2TB. Reading speed: up to 7,000 MB/s. Writing speed: up to 5,000 MB/s

Master Lu often misreports when measuring solid-state disks. The smart code of SSD is slightly different from that of mechanical HDD. Some projects have problems in the mechanical hard disk, but they will be fine in the solid state hard disk. For example, a solid state hard disk has no sectors, and the sectors are analog. Reporting sector remapping is a false positive.

Which is better, Samsung 98 1a or xg5?

Which is better, Samsung 98 1a or xg5?

Samsung PM98 1a is good. The 64-layer TLC particles were upgraded to 9x-layer TLC, and the overall performance was greatly improved by increasing the number of stacked layers. Taking the most common 256G as an example, the continuous reading performance is improved to 3500, and the overall improvement is17%; The continuous writing performance is improved to 2200, the overall improvement is 29%, and the overall comprehensive performance is improved by 47%.

Compared with pm98 1, pm98 1a mainly improves the overall performance by upgrading 64 layers of TLC particles to 9x layers of TLC and increasing the number of layers. Compared with pm98 1, pm98 1a improves the continuous reading performance by 3000 to 3500, and improves 17% as a whole. The continuous writing performance is improved from 1300 to 2200, which is an overall improvement of 29%.

Samsung 98 1a solid-state hard disk, using M.2 interface NVMe protocol, runs at 0 -70 degrees.

What hard disk is pm98 1a?

What hard disk is pm98 1a?

Available capacities are different: PM98 1 has three capacities: 5 12G, 1TB and 2TB, while PM98 1a has two capacities: 5 12G and 1TB. Solid state disk (SSD) is a computer storage device that mainly uses NANDFlash as permanent storage.

Samsung pm98 1a is a Samsung PM98 1A hard disk, which is not sold in the official flagship store. This is because PM98 1A belongs to OEM hard disk, that is, the hard disk manufacturer directly connects the hard disk of notebook computer manufacturer.

Samsung 98 1a SSD reads and writes on DiskBenchmarks, with the highest writing speed of 13GB/s and the highest reading speed of17gb/s. ..

G Samsung pm981a. According to relevant data, the hard disk of Shadow Elf 6 adopts Samsung PM 5 12G solid-state hard disk, which is one of the strongest solid-state hard disks in OEM TLC particles.

Pm8 1024 is a Samsung PM98 1A solid-state hard disk. According to relevant public information, the hard disk model of pm8 1024 is M.2-MXPG2D80-240G. It is a hard disk made of solid-state electronic memory chip array, which consists of a control unit and a memory unit (FLASH chip, DRAM chip).

Samsung 98 1a SSD parameters

Samsung 98 1a SSD parameters

PCIeGen0x4 interface is adopted. The interface type is PCIeGen0x4. The storage capacity is 250GB, 500GB and 1TB. , random read IOPS, up to 1, 000,000 IOPS.

Samsung 981a. In terms of configuration, Samsung 98 1a has a storage capacity of 1TB and a cache capacity of 5 12GB, while Samsung 98 1a has a storage capacity of 256G and a cache capacity of 5 12GB, so Samsung 981a. In terms of performance, Samsung 98 1a is five percent faster than Samsung 98 1a, so Samsung 98 1a is better in performance.

Parameters include capacity, interface type, reading speed and writing speed. Capacity: 250GB, 500GB, 1TB, 2TB. Interface type: PCIeGen0x4, NVMe3. Reading speed: up to 3500mb/s. Writing speed: up to 3300 MB/s

Samsung PM98 1a is good. The 64-layer TLC particles were upgraded to 9x-layer TLC, and the overall performance was greatly improved by increasing the number of stacked layers. Taking the most common 256G as an example, the continuous reading performance is improved to 3500, and the overall improvement is17%; The continuous writing performance is improved to 2200, the overall improvement is 29%, and the overall comprehensive performance is improved by 47%.

Samsung PM98 1A belongs to the mobile version of Samsung 970EVOPLUS. Both are controlled by Samsung Phoenix, with 96 layers of 3DTLC particles and 512mmblpddr4 cache. Western digital SN550, self-developed without DRAM master control, SanDisk96 layer 3DNAND particles, without external cache.