Aunt in the canteen of a university in Fujian picked up the rice on the ground and put it back on the plate! How to ensure the hygiene of school canteens?

Strengthen the implementation of the health management plan of the logistics canteen, formulate unified health standards, and complete the audit in time.

On the other hand, the contracting system of university canteens. Merchants enter the school cafeteria in three steps.

First of all, major catering companies will take the lead in completing the bidding, thus obtaining the right to operate the university canteen.

Secondly, in order to meet the food supply target, most major catering companies will invite tenders in advance.

Finally, the self-employed will enter the canteens of major schools to provide students with hygienic meals.

However, the sanitary condition of some canteens is worrying, and some canteens even have rats. For example, in a university in Fujian, the aunt who cooked for the students suspected that the big white rice that had fallen on the ground was put back on the students' plates.

This does not meet the health indicators, and it is even harder for students to eat with confidence. Therefore, most netizens call on school canteens to pay more attention to the nutrition and hygiene of dishes.

The first method: strengthen management. During the university, every other week, the logistics staff will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of each dining window. The main reference is the sanitary condition of the canteen window and the taste of the food. According to the scores of the logistics staff, the school will urge some unqualified canteen windows to complete the rectification. In fact, to strengthen the management of canteen windows, schools need to establish professional teams.

The second method: How can school canteen contractors achieve high scores by establishing indicators? At this time, the school needs to establish a unified evaluation index according to the hygienic standard of the canteen. In this way, some canteen windows can be used as warnings to ensure that food is not polluted to a great extent. In addition, schools can establish the same kitchen waste treatment process to avoid attracting insects and flies because of too much garbage in school canteens.

Generally speaking, the hygiene of school canteens is closely related to students' safe diet. Therefore, school administrators and canteen logistics service personnel should not ignore the sanitary conditions. In fact, most of the garbage disposal in university canteens is outsourced to third-party sanitation agencies. But this is not an excuse for the school not to supervise the hygiene of the canteen. After all, children's health is very important.