What salt is delicious and healthy?

If it is used as daily long-term salt, you should still buy refined salt. Sea salt is only used in special circumstances, such as pickling and baking with salt, such as roasting chicken with salt.

Refined salt has a wide range of applications, basically any cooking method can be used, and its taste is slightly salty than sea salt. Refined salt can be used for frying, frying, boiling, frying, roasting, steaming and so on. There are two kinds of special salts in refined salt, namely iodized salt and low sodium salt.

Iodized salt is mainly for residents in iodine-deficient and iodine-deficient areas, and non-iodized salt should be purchased in iodine-deficient areas. Low sodium salt is a kind of healthy salt, in which sodium chloride accounts for 70% and potassium chloride accounts for 30%, which is suitable for middle-aged and elderly people.

The purity of sea salt is relatively low, so the taste will be slightly lighter than refined salt, but it is not so salty. Because it contains minerals such as potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, it has a certain flavor, and is more suitable for baking salt, barbecue or pickling food, such as pickled sauerkraut, which makes food have a special flavor.

There are many different ways to classify salt.

According to the source of raw materials, salt can be divided into four categories, namely sea salt, lake salt, well salt and rock salt/mineral salt. Sea salt is made by introducing seawater into saltworks, insolating, evaporating and crystallizing. Lake salt is made of salt lake water from saltworks.

The salt in the stratum is dissolved in groundwater and pumped out by drilling a well. The salt made after processing is called well salt. Once the ocean was evaporated and deposited for a long time to form rock cracks, which is rock salt.

2. According to whether it is purified or not, it can be divided into crude salt and refined salt. After purification, the crude salt becomes refined salt with few impurities and small particles, also known as refined salt. There are many impurities and large particles, which are not purified and are called raw salt.

3. According to whether iodine is added, it can be divided into iodized salt and non-iodized salt. Since 1996, iodized salt has been popularized in China, and potassium iodate, potassium iodide or seaweed iodine has been added, among which seaweed iodine absorption rate is better.