Is strength weightlifting not included in the Olympic Games because it is unhealthy?

No. In fact, compared with most sports, weightlifting is very safe, especially if it is done naturally. The injury rate of most field events is much higher than that of strength weightlifting, so this is not the main factor.

About 2-3 people are injured every 1000 hours, which is of course the lowest. You can see here:

There are many other reasons.

First of all, drug abuse is rampant in the untested Federation. This alone deprived him of his qualification to participate in the Olympic Games, where drug testing was relatively strict.

Secondly, there is no standard set of rules for weightlifting. Yes, all strength weightlifting federations test squats, benches and hard lifts in this order. However, there are some major deviations that will have a great impact on performance standards.

deep squat

Some federations allow strong kneepads to be used when squatting, while others only allow kneepads to slide over the knees. For some weightlifters, the rebound effect of tightly wrapped knees can reach 50- 100 kg. Sleeves are not that important.

Besides, you have squat clothes-single layer and multi-layer. These can also help initiates gain support and rebound from the bottom.

Judgment is also made by people. I think skating and gymnastics are the same. They are the two oldest events in the Olympic Games. However, in the aspect that weightlifters must squat, each Federation has different judgments on powerlifting.

Some federations also use single lift, which means that weightlifters don't have to take it apart and walk out of the weight. They can tear it down, squat down and replay it.

Some leagues even allow weightlifters to untie themselves and start over if they feel unstable. This is not an attempt.

Belts are quite common-there is not much controversy.


As far as I know, all the federations require weightlifters to pause, at least temporarily, when they press their weight on their chests. How short it is depends on the Federation, or rather, on the judges.

In addition, there are federations equipped with "long-sleeved shirts". Similar to the squat suit, this elastic giant supports the weight, effectively allowing the weightlifter to pull the weight to his chest with his back, and then release energy to help lift the weight. This can bring you hundreds of pounds.

In fact, the reason why weightlifters fail in bench press is that they can't press their weight to their chests. This shirt is too tight! imagine ...

Hard lift

First of all, the type of bar. In the hard pull bar, it will be easier to grasp, and there will be many "whips" in the bar. This means that it will bend off the ground, effectively reducing the range of motion, and more importantly, raising the lever in the initial position allows significantly more weight to be lifted.