? Many people's concept of radiation is limited to nuclear radiation. It is true that any nuclear radiation event will release nuclear radiation dust into the air. After Chernobyl, the atomic bomb and the Fukushima nuclear power plant, these radioactive dust not fade away, but slowly entered the food, water and air around the world.
No one can avoid this floating radioactive dust. One way to limit the risk of nuclear radiation is to choose foods at the bottom of the food chain, such as fruits and vegetables. Now all our meat, dairy products and poultry have high radiation concentrations. These animals eat a lot of feed or forage, all of which contain radiation from radioactive dust. This is a process called biomagnification, which means that with the rise of the food chain, toxic substances will accumulate in higher concentrations in the organisms in the upper food chain.
In fact, there are many unknown radiation sources in our life, many of which are completely unexpected, such as luggage that has passed the airport security check. When our suitcases are scanned safely, they will absorb radiation and stay for hundreds of years. Our backpacks, handbags and briefcases absorb more radiation and accumulate, accumulate and accumulate with each trip. There is more radiation in airport security than ever before, and it is increasing every year. A good way to protect your health should be to discard your carry-on luggage after three flights. The radiation in the scanning process of checked baggage is less than that of hand luggage, so it is recommended to replace the suitcase after every six air trips (once refers to one way, and it should be counted as two round-trip air trips).
This may make you feel extremely exaggerated, especially in the era when expensive suitcases are popular and reuse is advocated. Can I afford to buy a new bag every few flights? Is it a waste? This is of course understandable. But the bigger question is, can you afford more medical expenses? Especially in the room where the luggage for many air trips is stored, if babies or children live, can you afford the health costs for them and yourself?
? No one wants to get old quickly, turn white quickly, or have wrinkles, skin aging or degenerative bone diseases; No one wants to be smaller and shorter when he is old; No one wants their fingernails and toenails to lose their vitality and color; No one wants their teeth to change color or rot, or their eyes to be dull due to cataracts or retinal degenerative diseases. We just don't want to get old. We always talk about anti-aging, but we never talk about radiation, one of the important factors leading to aging.
Radiation will quickly accelerate the aging process of human body, leading to faster degradation of cell tissue; Inactivate cells exposed to radiation. Although the cells of the body are always renewing themselves, radiation will not disappear with the renewal of cells. We need to actively remove radiation through 369 net chemotherapy and heavy metal detoxification (heavy metal detoxification fruit can remove toxic heavy metals and radiation problems in the body at the same time). Otherwise, the radiation in our body will exist for a long time. Even if we are in the grave, hundreds and thousands of years after our death, we are still radiating.
Radiation also weakens the immune system. It is essential to keep our immune system strong, so that we can fight against pathogens and toxins we encounter every day. When we fly, we have been exposed to a lot of radiation. On the one hand, radioactive dust is still floating in the air, and the radiation of tragedies such as Fukushima, Hiroshima and Chernobyl is more concentrated in high altitude areas. On the other hand, everyone on the plane has just passed the security check and put the scanned luggage in the overhead suitcase. All this radiation will be concentrated directly on our heads, leading to more radiation exposure.
? We also need to consider where to put our luggage between flights, especially if we have children. When there are children or patients with chronic diseases at home, the most important thing to pay attention to is not to put the luggage that travels frequently with you. If you use your child's bedroom closet to store household items that have traveled five, six or seven times, or sleep not far from the suitcase that has flown 10 times, these will radiate around us every night. These are all issues that need to be considered. If you have children, please change your airplane baggage as regularly as possible. Be especially careful when letting the baby get close to the carry-on luggage. If there are no children at home and you can't update your luggage after traveling, please put it away from your home for the longest time.
What about the items in the luggage that passed the airport security check? What collects the most radiation is the biggest item, that is, carry-on luggage. Computers, mobile phones and clothes are relatively small, and they are usually stored separately at home, and generally we will bring different clothes when traveling. In other words, we usually don't put all the clothes in the same drawer, which will cause all the radiation to be absorbed in one place. These smaller items are also easier to change than luggage, so we don't need to worry particularly. Similarly, when we ingest food that has passed the security check and is taken on the plane, there will also be a small dose of radiation. All the food sold at the airport has also been scanned. Please ensure adequate hydration, adhere to heavy metal detoxification and clean chemotherapy to protect your health.
The above is actually the truth of life in today's world. We cannot avoid some radiation. Some of us have completely changed. For example, we can choose cheaper suitcases and bags so as to replace them. Either way, this information will help us understand the current situation, make a more sensible choice, avoid being unwilling to throw away the suitcase because it is expensive, and avoid letting children sleep next to the radiation-emitting carry-on luggage. If you are worried about the cost of throwing away your luggage after a period of time, please consider the cost of hospitalization and the possible expenses in all aspects of life when you are sick.
? Maybe one day, the radiation from airport security will attract more attention. Even so, please be mentally prepared. Experts will tell you that the radiation level absorbed by luggage (if it can be detected) is safe for the body. This does not mean that the radiation is really safe, just as today we are told that dental mercury fillings or fluorides are safe, but this is not true.
In addition to flying, there are other radiation sources, such as X-rays, CT scans, magnetic resonance imaging, mobile phones and other equipment, and even food and water have radiation. This is why it is so important to take measures to protect our health, happiness and vitality in today's world.
Another radiation source is a microwave oven. Please remove the microwave oven from your home as far as possible and use heating, steaming or baking instead. If you use a microwave oven in public places, please stay away from it for more than ten meters.
As a matter of fact, we have ways to remove radiation from the body and reduce the chance of exposure to radiation. For example, if dental X-ray examination is necessary, please insist on using a lead apron or other protective measures to protect all body parts except the mouth, including the throat, because radiation will lead to the development of thyroid cancer. Minimize dental x-rays, even if dentists use digital processes. For any doctor, don't automatically agree to X-ray examination. If you are not sure whether you need an X-ray examination, please ask your doctor. Sometimes X-rays are unnecessary.
Similarly, when asked to do any examination involving radiation, please ask your doctor if it is necessary. For example, when a woman has a chest X-ray, make sure to cover the reproductive system with a lead apron. This is not necessarily provided, so I still have to ask.
Many times, there are actually low-risk inspection schemes. For example, women should consider using thermal imaging (infrared imaging) for breast cancer screening instead of mammography.
The human body is more sensitive to radiation than doctors know. Like other toxins, we need to try our best to avoid them for health. It doesn't mean that you need to refuse all the tests, but that you should choose the necessary tests, adhere to net chemotherapy and remove the accumulated radiation in your body.
Heavy metal detoxified fruit can remove radiation from the body yesterday. Seaweed and marine vegetables are also a good way to protect organs and glands from radiation. Some people worry that seaweed itself contains radiation or heavy metals that will be harmful to health. This is a misunderstanding. In fact, marine vegetables only ingest toxins and will not be released in the human body. For example, if we eat a small amount of red algae that absorb marine pollutants, they will not release these pollutants into our bodies. On the contrary, red algae will firmly grasp these radiation and heavy metals, absorb more of these toxins when passing through the digestive tract, and excrete them when they finally discharge them. Please try to choose Atlantic algae instead of Pacific algae, because Atlantic algae have stronger ability to absorb body toxins.
The following is the radiation-free tea: please mix the same amount of kelp, red algae, dandelion leaves and nettle leaves. Take a tablespoon of the mixture and soak it in a cup of hot water.
We can choose not to see these healthy invisible killers and how they threaten our health. We can know their existence and ignore them, pretend they don't exist, or even deny their existence. In fact, we don't know their existence, because no one has told us since childhood.
If we don't have any way to avoid or recover from it, if we don't have clean chemotherapy to remove these toxins, then we may not understand all this, or it is a good way to choose not to see them, maybe it is a positive way to pretend that they don't exist, and maybe it can comfort us when the disease breaks out.
But not knowing is not the way you choose. You are reading this article, and you know there are ways to purify and remove the root causes of chronic diseases, so you won't be afraid to read this information. There are many things to do to accept what we can't change and change what we can. You clearly know that knowing these healthy invisible killers, becoming a health expert and sharing this information with other interested people in life can protect yourself and others.
All this information is like a torch, illuminating the obstacles and barriers on our healthy road. Maybe you will be worried or scared when you see the danger of light for the first time, but seeing obstacles can really help us avoid risks. What's worse, walking in the dark. This information can illuminate the front, even if we encounter health challenges, we know what challenges we face and how to deal with them. Knowing the truth of the matter, adopting the right method and persisting for enough time can change everything. After reading the following content, you will have a completely different perspective on the understanding of the world, which will give us and our families real control over our health.