What are the causes of mammary gland hyperplasia?

Mammary gland hyperplasia is a common problem, generally due to endocrine disorders and other reasons, as well as some inappropriate living habits or some bad sleeping posture, will lead to the emergence of mammary gland hyperplasia. In addition to these, what other causes of breast hyperplasia?

Obesity and women of childbearing age should be alert to body fat accumulation;

Bad eating habits, it is recommended to eat less animal food and more plant food;

Excessive mental stress, etc. Breast hyperplasia refers to normal tissue cells of the breast, such as ductal epithelial cells, dermal cells or interstitial cells of the breast. Mental stress is very bad for the whole body and breasts.

Everyone should pay attention in life, don't eat too much, don't give yourself too much pressure, and learn to control your temper.