Seven healthy baking methods that everyone should try.

Eating healthily doesn't mean that you have to give up your favorite dessert. With some tricks, you can enjoy brownies, chocolate biscuits or muffins, and use healthy fats, sugar and grains instead of malnutrition substitutes. You may even find that you like them better.

Unsweetened applesauce

For biscuits, muffins or bread, you can exchange white sugar for applesauce, which can reduce calories without losing sweetness. Add applesauce, because you can sugar, but reduce the liquid content? A few cups of applesauce. This healthy technique is suitable for wet oatmeal cookies. For every cup of applesauce, you will get 3 grams of fiber in your diet, which can help lower cholesterol.

Avocado butter

This butter nut is more than just guacamole and sandwiches. When cooking, you will find that avocados have the consistency of butter at room temperature. Exchange a cup of mixed, slightly Microsoft avocado (turning to remove those hard or too soft) butter in brownies or cookies. You will reduce calories, get a healthy heart, healthy monounsaturated fat and increase vitamin K, which has been proved to reduce the risk of diabetes. Nut flavor is also an excellent additive for banana bread and muffins.

Chia seeds and water are eggs.

They may be small, but Chia seeds have a high nutritional density, including omega -3 (an important fat to prevent inflammation), protein and fiber. To use this super ingredient in muffin, cake or biscuit recipes, replace each egg with a tablespoon of Chia seeds, add a glass of water and soak the seeds 15 minutes. By using Chia gel instead of eggs, you will create a delicious treatment, which is good for you, because the gel has been proved to be helpful for hydration, weight loss and overall health.

4. Whole wheat flour with refined white flour

A simple way to add extra nutrients to any recipe is to swap white flour with whole wheat flour. Replace a cup of white flour with this flour, and you will get 10g of healthy fiber. If you decide to use whole grains in your diet, the quantity will remain the same, but remember that whole grains are rougher than refined ones. It's best to make a 55% mixture of white flour and whole wheat for the first time and see what it is. Cookies and muffins are ideal for this taste test.

5. Chocolate chips and cocoa pods

Next time you make chocolate biscuits, go to your local health food store and buy some cocoa beans instead of semi-sweet chocolate. These delicious side dishes are dried cocoa beans, which means that they are the purest chocolate without added sugar or chemicals, giving them a rich nutty taste. Because it is unprocessed, cocoa beans retain the nutrients of this super bean, including high fiber, iron, antioxidants and magnesium.

6. Greek yogurt is used in vegetable oil

Greek yogurt is more than breakfast. Replace oil with this low-calorie ingredient rich in protein and calcium, especially in brownies and biscuits, but you must change your measurement, so you use? A cup of ordinary Greek yogurt with a cup of oil. If your batter looks dry after mixing, add a little yogurt in stages until the consistency is right. Professional tip: brownies made with Greek yogurt are usually very soft-how can this be an extra benefit?

7. Add soft drinks (such as eggs, butter, vegetable oil, etc.) to the boxed cake mixture. ).

This may surprise you, but you can bake a cake even if there is only a box of cakes and a drink in your kitchen. Because the mixture has been added with fat, if you forget to buy them or want a low-calorie dessert, you don't need to use eggs, butter or vegetable oil. Try combining chocolate cake with diet coke, or combining diet cream soda with vanilla cake, and you may have a new recipe. No one will miss the added fat or calories.