Onion, garlic, ginger, pepper, coriander, horseradish and Toona sinensis.
Pepper, Zanthoxylum bungeanum, dried chilli, star anise, fennel, mustard, cinnamon, ginger slices, ginger powder and tsaoko.
Fish sauce, shrimp, shrimp skin, shrimp seeds, shrimp sauce, shrimp oil, oyster sauce, crab products, mussels, laver.
Salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, yellow wine, curry powder, spiced powder, sesame oil, sesame paste, peanut butter, sand tea paste, silver shrimp paste, tomato paste, tomato paste, Guilin paste, pepper oil and hot sauce, sesame hot sauce, peanut hot sauce, crispy sauce, spicy soy sauce, Chili oil, fragrant grain, red grain and mushroom oil.
Ordinary sugar, honey, caramel
Cooking wine, aged vinegar, rice vinegar, yellow wine,