Can asthenospermia be conceived naturally?
Many people think that asthenospermia is equal to male infertility, but it is not necessarily true.
Male infertility caused by low sperm motility accounts for about 30%. Sperm is very important to male friends and plays a very important role in male sexual life. 70% of sperm should be active within 1 hour after sperm discharge. If the sperm is less than 50%, it is abnormal, which is called low sperm motility, also known as asthenospermia.
If the sperm is completely inactive, it is azoospermia. Low sperm motility and azoospermia are one of the important reasons for male infertility. If it is less than 20%, it is difficult to have children. From the above, we know that although suffering from asthenospermia does not necessarily mean male infertility, asthenospermia will reduce the mobility of sperm and cannot guarantee the quality of sperm, which is not conducive to prenatal and postnatal care. Therefore, if you want to have a healthy and intelligent child, you should actively seek treatment in a regular hospital when you find yourself suffering from asthenospermia.
Are pregnant women and children with asthenospermia healthy?
Generally speaking, eugenics is the best combination of sperm and eggs, but it is not easy for patients with asthenospermia to achieve eugenics. The concept of asthenospermia is contingent. Even the sperm motility of mild asthenospermia is lower than normal, so the quality of sperm cannot be guaranteed. In this case, there are still some disadvantages from the perspective of eugenics.
How to prevent asthenospermia?
First, resolutely give up smoking. A man who loves to smoke and play cool and treats the smell of smoke as a man's taste! You may know the close relationship between smoking and lung cancer and heart disease, and the influence of second-hand smoke on people around you, but do you know that cigarettes will damage your masculinity? Smoking will affect men's reproductive ability, causing male erectile dysfunction, asthenospermia and sperm malformation, which is 60% higher than that of non-smokers!
Second, check the weight. Abnormal fat will interfere with the normal production of sex hormones, which will reduce the number of male sperm and increase the percentage of abnormal sperm. Only when the body mass index (the square of weight/height) is controlled within the normal range (20-25) can a large number of high-quality sperm be produced.
Third, having children is also about timing. According to the test, men have the most sperm in the morning and the best sperm quality, so it may be a more correct choice for couples who try to have sex in the morning.
Fourth, pay attention to the degree of sexual life. Because too much ejaculation and long abstinence time will affect the quality of sperm. Generally speaking, the ideal frequency is once every 2 to 3 days.
Causes of asthenospermia
Abnormal semen liquefaction:
Non-liquefaction or high viscosity of semen is one of the causes of male infertility, and one of the most important factors may be infertility by affecting sperm motility. Slender cellulose can be seen in the non-liquefied seminal plasma, which reduces the space for sperm activity and inhibits sperm. At the same time, it is also seen that the coarse fiber is made up of many fine fibers, which may be the reason for mechanically limiting the sperm's forward movement. When using urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) alone on non-liquefied semen samples in vitro, the author found that when the semen changed from non-liquefied to liquefied, the motility and forward movement ability of sperm were obviously improved, and the same effect was obtained with chymotrypsin.
Autoimmune factors:
Anti-sperm antibody (AsAb) can affect the fertilization function of sperm in several different ways. The influence of AsAb on sperm motility may be that asab binds to sperm tail, which hinders sperm motility, reduces motility and has poor penetration ability. This has been confirmed by the obvious decrease in the ability to penetrate cervical mucus when there are anti-sperm antibodies at the tail of sperm. Some scholars have contacted human sperm with AsAb positive serum, and observed a so-called sperm "jitter phenomenon", which is mainly due to the combination of anti-sperm antibodies on the head and the whole tail of sperm, and the forward movement of sperm is inhibited, but the survival rate has not changed significantly.
Endocrine factors:
Endocrine hormones not only affect the occurrence and maturation of sperm, but also affect the motility of sperm. Gonzales and others found that prolactin in seminal plasma has a linear relationship with sperm activity, which increases sperm oxygen uptake or affects sperm motility through cAMP system, and decreases sperm motility when serum E2 level increases. Excessive testosterone in seminal plasma may inhibit sperm motility.