The method of using Kaisailu to relieve constipation is that the patient lies on the left side. After lubricant is applied to anus, insert it into anus to squeeze out liquid, and then pull it out after several minutes.
The use method of Kaiser Dew is to let the patient lie on the left side, and at the same time, raise the buttocks moderately, cut off the top of Kaiser Dew, squeeze out a little glycerin, and lubricate Kaiser Dew into the anus, which can reduce irritation.
Then hold the ball of Kaiser Dew, slowly insert it into the anus until it reaches Kaiser Dew's neck, and quickly squeeze the ball. After squeezing, massage the anus with gauze with one hand, and quickly pull out the shell of Kaiselu with the other hand, so that the patient can keep the posture for about 10 minutes and then defecate.
Excessive use of Kaisailu may cause intestinal autonomic nerve dependence, such as repeated use of irritating laxatives for defecation, and it may also cause anorectal injury and ulcer, so don't use it often.
We should start from the usual living habits and eating habits, such as drinking more water, exercising more, massaging the abdomen, eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, keeping a happy mood and developing healthy defecation habits and living habits.
How to use Caesar dew