In fact, although this kind of worry has some truth, it is not entirely correct, because the gallbladder is not an indispensable organ in the body. Many higher animals, such as horses, deer, elephants and whales, are born without gallbladder, and their lives are not much different from those of some animals with gallbladder. A few people were born without gallbladder because of abnormal embryonic development of gallbladder, but they still live the same life as normal people. After cholecystectomy, the patient's original symptoms disappeared immediately. Although the function of gallbladder to concentrate and store bile is lost, it has little effect on the digestion and absorption function of patients.
Scientific experimental research shows that the digestion and absorption function of patients after cholecystectomy is similar to that of normal people. After cholecystectomy, the content of bile acids in the bile of patients with cholesterol stones will gradually increase, so that the supersaturated bile before operation will gradually become normal bile. Therefore, as long as the bile duct stones are completely removed during cholecystectomy, cholesterol stones will not recur. Therefore, after cholecystectomy, there will be no adverse effects on health and digestion and absorption, so don't worry at all.
Furthermore, after cholecystectomy, the bile duct wall will thicken and the bile duct mucus glands will increase. Bile duct often discharges bile into duodenum to make up for the loss of gallbladder's function of storing concentrated bile, and at the same time it will not affect the digestion and absorption of fat. Therefore, it is not necessary to avoid eating meat and oil after surgery. If the body consumes too little fat, it is not good for the body, but not good for human health. Of course, there should be a process for the recovery of the body and the establishment of compensatory function after operation. The intake of animal fat and eggs should not be too much, and the fat content in food should be gradually increased, so that the body can have a gradual adaptation process.