internal medicine
(Sight, touch, knock, listen) Thoracic: Whether there is thoracic abnormality is more common in people with chronic consumptive diseases and vitamin D deficiency.
Lung and pleura: Understand breathing sounds, rales and inflammation.
Heart: Early detection of heart disease
Liver: By touching the texture of the liver, you can know the nature of the liver. Under normal circumstances, the liver is soft, chronic hepatitis is hard and cirrhosis is hard. We can also know whether the liver is sick by whether it is tender or not.
Spleen: whether swollen or not, in order to reduce infection, congestion, tumor, etc.
Kidney: size, hardness, activity, etc. To prevent kidney tumors.
Blood pressure: measure the lateral pressure produced by blood flowing in blood vessels to judge hypertension and hypotension.
Surgical lymph nodes: whether the superficial lymph nodes are abnormally enlarged, etc.
Thyroid gland: early detection of cysts, tumors, etc.
Female breast: lobular hyperplasia and breast cancer can be detected early.
Anal: Hemorrhoids and tumors can be found early.
Skin: any skin disease, such as rash and moss.
Ophthalmic vision: Know the diopter of the eye.
Cornea: pay attention to transparency, white spots, ulcers, etc.
Scleral: Pay attention to jaundice and lipoma.
Color discrimination: Know whether you are color blind or weak.
Otolaryngology Ear: Simple Hearing Examination Nose: Is there any tumor?
Pharyngeal region: diagnosis of acute and chronic pharyngitis.
Nose: It is valuable to judge acute and chronic rhinitis.
Tongue: Observe the quality and coating of tongue.
Tonsils: congestion, swelling, ulcers, etc.
Electrocardiogram (ECG) is very valuable for the diagnosis of various arrhythmia.
The diagnosis of myocardial infarction has high accuracy.
It is helpful for the diagnosis of ventricular hypertrophy and cardiomyopathy.
It is helpful to understand the influence of some drugs and electrolyte disorders on the heart.
B-ultrasound is of great value in the diagnosis of liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen and kidney.
Early detection of chest tumor by chest X-ray examination
Blood routine red blood cells-anemia or abnormal increase
Leukocyte-infection, radiation injury, allergic diseases, etc.
Platelets-understand hematopoietic function, evaluate bleeding time, etc.
Urine routine color, transparency and density, early detection of kidney disease, diabetes, etc.
Fasting blood glucose can initially screen diabetes.
blood fat
+cholesterol) to understand the levels of total cholesterol and triglycerides in the body, further guide daily drinking and treatment, reduce the occurrence of coronary heart disease and arteriosclerosis, and reduce the further evolution of hypertension.
kidney function
(urea nitrogen+creatinine) reflects renal function.
Hepatitis B surface antigen can tell whether you carry hepatitis B virus through the examination of hepatitis B antigen.
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) is used to check the main indexes of liver function to know whether the liver is damaged.
Carcinoembryonic antigen is helpful for the examination of digestive tract tumors
The early stage of uric acid gout can only be high blood uric acid.
Blood viscosity reflects the viscosity of blood and is closely related to thrombosis.
Main factors affecting atherosclerosis by high and low density lipoprotein
In the second half of hepatitis B, whether there are big three-yang or small three-yang through the examination of hepatitis B antigen and antibody shows that hepatitis B virus is in the recovery period after replication, highly contagious or at a low level, or the virus basically stops or is infected.
The AFP value of alpha-fetoprotein can be used as a screening for early liver cancer.
Helicobacter pylori has high diagnostic value for gastric ulcer and antritis.
Hepatitis A is used for differential diagnosis of hepatitis A..
Hepatitis C is used for differential diagnosis of hepatitis C..
blood grouping
Prostate specific antigen
(PSA) To know whether there is a tumor in the prostate and the condition of the tumor.
The occult blood in stool is helpful to the diagnosis of gastrointestinal bleeding.
Special inspection items
Cervical radiograph (positive lateral position) to rule out cervical spondylosis as soon as possible.
Chest X-ray is of great significance to the differential diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis.
Gynecological routine (married) is used to identify gynecological diseases.
Female B-ultrasound to understand the situation of female internal genitalia, with or without lesions.
Female Yin Chao has a deeper understanding of female internal genitalia.
Understand the blood supply of cerebral vessels through TCD.
Color Doppler echocardiography was used to know whether there were organic lesions in the heart.
Bone mineral density to understand the degree of osteoporosis