1. Geriatrics
Geriatrics will become one of the hottest fields in the future.
2. Neuroscience
The prevalence of nervous system diseases and the demand for treatment are increasing.
3. Nutrition
Nutrition specialty will become a very promising field.
4. Biomedical engineering
Biomedical engineering will become one of the most promising medical fields in the future.
5. Genetics
People pay more and more attention to genetic health.
6. oncology
With the increasing incidence of cancer.
7. Cardiology
Heart disease is one of the most common causes of death in the world.
8. Ophthalmology
With the aging of population and the popularization of electronic products.
9. Stomatology
Because oral health is closely related to general health.
10. Public health
Public health problems affect the health and quality of life of people all over the world.