Why doesn't Huawei's mobile phone show the number of steps when it pays attention to WeChat movement?

Huawei's mobile phone pays attention to the WeChat campaign and does not display the steps for the following reasons:

1. Due to the limitation of mobile phone hardware equipment, mobile phone equipment does not support the step counting function. You can check whether the mobile phone device supports step counting record on the WeChat campaign help page.

2. WeChat application is not the latest version, and the WeChat application software installed on the mobile phone needs to be upgraded to the latest version.

Expanding reading: the steps to open the sports function of WeChat

1. Open the main page of WeChat application software, click the "Me" menu item at the bottom of the page, and select the "Settings" option;

2. Next, in the opened page, click the "General" setting item;

3. In the general settings item, click the "Accessibility" setting item to enter the WeChat accessibility settings page;

4. Finally, in the opened page, click to enable the "WeChat campaign" function.


What are the devices that support the WeChat campaign?