During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there was a great scholar named Mencius in the Confucian school. Mencius lost his father when he was a child. In order to give little Mencius a good growing environment, Meng Mu took pains to move many times. At first, their family lived next to the cemetery, and people often came to hold funerals to pay homage to their ancestors. Mencius and his friends learned to be adults, bow down, cry and play funeral games. Meng Mu thought this place was not good for children to live in, so he moved to the market with Mencius.
At this time, Mencius began to learn the appearance of a businessman with his friends, bowing to welcome guests, bargaining and selling loudly. Meng Mu felt that this place was still not suitable for children to live in, so he moved here with Mencius. This time, they moved to the academy, next to the sound of books. Mencius began to learn to read again and became sensible. Meng Mu was very satisfied with the place where he lived. When Mencius grew up, he lived up to his mother's expectations and eventually became a generation of well-read scholars.
There is an old saying: "If parents love their children, they must make long-term plans". Just like Meng Mu in the story, she moved many times to give her children a good growing environment. In fact, parents never attach importance to their children and ask for nothing in return. Especially in the face of disasters, parents love their children far beyond our imagination.
In the Wenchuan earthquake, a father carried his son's body for 25 kilometers and took his son home. Now, after so many years, how is the respectable father now? Has the pain of losing his son disappeared?
A sudden disaster.
In 2008, an earthquake of magnitude 8 occurred in Wenchuan, and the mountains and rivers wept bitterly and the whole country mourned. Many people lost their loved ones in this sudden disaster, and Cheng Linxiang is one of them. Before the disaster, he was just an ordinary farmer in China, who worked hard underground every day. My biggest wish is to earn more money for my son to go to college. My son goes to school in Yingxiu, with excellent grades and filial piety, which is the hope of the family. However, the sudden earthquake destroyed all the hopes of this family. Their son stayed in 2008 forever and never came back.
Walk 25 kilometers and carry your son home.
Cheng Linxiang was at home on the day of the disaster. Because he keenly felt that something was wrong, he ran out early, so he escaped. However, the earthquake caused houses to collapse, the surface to collapse, all traffic was blocked, and all communication signals were cut off. Therefore, Cheng Linxiang has never heard from his son, and he is very worried. After waiting for a day, Cheng Linxiang finally decided to set out to find his son. It's a long way. Cheng Linxiang walked for a day and a night before finally reaching Yingxiu.
But all you see is a piece of broken walls, and Cheng Linxiang is desperate. But he still joined the ranks of volunteers and started his volunteer work. Two days later, Cheng Linxiang finally found his son in a corner, and his young life had already lost its vitality. Cheng Linxiang thought that he would take his son home anyway. At that time, there were ruins along the road, traffic jams and no means of transportation. Cheng Linxiang had to carry his son on his back and walk 25 kilometers before he finally went home and buried his son.
Let go of sadness and embrace a new life.
After the earthquake, Cheng Linxiang adopted a child who lost his parents in the earthquake. Cheng Linxiang thought that they were poor people in the same boat. He should take good care of him and raise him as his own child. Children also like to know what their adoptive parents think and live a hard life. Under the care of his adoptive parents, he gradually got out of the shadow of losing his parents and grew up happily like a normal child. Moreover, this child is very competitive, obedient and has excellent academic performance. A disaster destroyed two families, two families, and tried to reunite into a circle.
Moreover, Cheng Linxiang and his wife were lucky enough to have a child. The child's liveliness is much like his brother's. Sometimes, the couple can't help but be in a trance and miss their dead eldest son, but fortunately, they are accompanied by their adopted son and youngest son to comfort their inner pain.
Cheng Linxiang's behavior truly shows us the selfless and deep love of parents for their children. When you were still alive, I loved you all my life; When you leave, I will commemorate you all my life. Fortunately, God gave him two such lovely children, which is the greatest comfort to this father.