The cat's gums feel strange. What color are healthy cats' gums? What color should cats' gums be? I wonder if my cat is sick! !

Healthy cats' gums should be light pink. When the cat has white gums and swelling around the gums, it is necessary to consider whether there is already the possibility of inflammation. If it is caused by gum inflammation, it may be leukoplakia, so it is necessary to treat the symptoms of leukoplakia and supplement vitamin A and vitamin E. At this time, you can feed the cat with vitamin B powder, either directly or mixed with the cat's food.

If a cat has one or two white gums, it is necessary to consider whether it is anemia. The symptoms of anemia in cats can be seen not only through the gums, but also by checking whether the meat pad, tongue and nose of cats are white. If the cat is still thin, some are caused by anemia. If it is nutritional anemia, you need to feed the cat steamed chicken liver and duck liver 2-3 times a week, eat more fruits and vegetables to supplement folic acid, and then meow. I want to mix the blood cream with cat food to feed.