Personalized evaluation of outpatient health education 1. 1
(1) Assess the patients' disease severity, medical treatment behavior, unhealthy behavior and lifestyle, such as related high-risk behaviors (such as smoking, alcoholism, irregular diet, etc. ) and medication compliance;
(2) Assessing patients' health education needs and finding out the deficiency of patients' health knowledge and skills;
(3) Assess the factors that affect the effect of individualized health education, such as patients' education level and ability to receive information.
1.2 Individualized evaluation of home visiting health education. The idea of home visiting health education for the elderly, critically ill patients, high-risk pregnant women and newborns is the same as that of outpatient individualized evaluation, but it needs to be combined with the characteristics of key groups. For example:
Individualized evaluation of high-risk pregnant women should understand their prenatal examination, pregnancy diseases, diet and physical activity, as well as their mastery of pregnancy health care, delivery, neonatal care and other related knowledge.