The frequency range of sound waves that the human ear can generally feel is 20-20000 Hz. Hearing is sensitive to sound wave frequency of 500- 1000 Hz and insensitive to noise of 2000-4000 Hz. Long-term use of headphones will damage hearing in high-frequency sound waves (2000-4000 Hz). So even if the hearing has been damaged, it is difficult to detect it. The hearing loss is already serious when it is detected, which may cause noise deafness.
Some common sense about using headphones.
Don't use headphones for too long, control them within one hour, and let your ears relax properly in a quiet environment after use; If you use headphones, you can choose headphones with good sound insulation effect.
If the outside noise is very loud, people will unconsciously increase the volume in order to hear the sound in the headphones clearly. The louder the volume, the more serious the damage to the inner ear. Therefore, try not to listen to music with headphones in a noisy environment. It is recommended to control the volume at 60% or below.
Refer to the above? People's Network-Be careful: Long-term use of headphones is harmful!