2) 2008. 12. 1-6 "Innovative Technology of Soil Remediation", Crocher Institute for Advanced Studies, Hongkong, China (invited lecture).
3) The 5th International Conference on Anti-voting Interface held in Kyoto, Japan from June 6 to 4, 2008 (oral report).
4) July, 2007.15-19, 9th International Conference on Trace Element Biochemistry (ICOBTE), Beijing, China (oral report, host of the branch).
5) July 9, 2006-15 18th World Conference on Soil Science, Philadelphia, USA.
6) 9th Indonesian Microbiology Society and 3rd Asian Lactic Acid Bacteria Conference, Bali, Indonesia, 25-27 August 2005 (invited report)
7) On September 20-23, 2004, the 4th International Symposium on Soil Minerals-Organic Matter-Microorganism Interaction, Wuhan, China, Chairman of the Organizing Committee.
8) First Sino-German Symposium on Environmental Microbiology, August 2-June 2004, Beijing, China, with invited papers.
September, 20031-6 The 6th International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry, Aomori, Japan (oral report).
17th world conference on soil science, Bangkok, Thailand (oral report)
11) 2001.9.11-kloc-0/5 The 5th International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry, Wroclaw, Poland (oral presentation).
12) May 22-26, 2000 The Third International Symposium on Soil Mineral-Organic Matter-Microbial Interaction and Ecosystem Health, Naples, Italy.
13)1999.7.12-16 International Symposium on Enzymes in Environment: Activity, Ecology and Application, Granada, Spain (oral presentation).
16th world congress of soil science, Montpellier, France.
15)1997.5.4-11International Symposium on Interaction between Soil, Human and Environment, Nanjing, China (oral presentation).
16) 1996.9.3-6 the second international symposium on mineral-organic-microbial interaction, Nancy, France (oral presentation).
17)1994.8.13-18 3rd annual meeting of the Saskatoon clay mineral society in Saskatchewan, Canada (oral presentation).
18)1993.5.10-16 the second symposium on material circulation was held in PEDOSPHERE, China.