The moisture in the air mainly comes from fog, water surface, wet soil and evaporation on plant surface. Its representation is relative humidity, which is the most commonly used humidity index. It is the ratio of absolute humidity to maximum humidity in the air, which can indicate the saturation of water vapor in the air. At a certain temperature, the smaller the relative humidity, the greater the distance from the saturated state of water in the air, and the faster the water evaporates. Humid air is harmful to human body at any temperature. For example, at low temperature, humidity enhances the conduction of air to heat, resulting in a large amount of body heat loss. Therefore, under the condition of low temperature and low humidity, the body is more vulnerable to cold injury, rheumatism and bronchitis. In addition, the humid environment also has adverse effects on patients with tuberculosis, nephropathy, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic low back pain and other diseases. If it is in a hot environment, the relative humidity is too high, which will hinder the evaporation and heat dissipation of the body. As can be seen from the above, the relative humidity should be neither too large nor too large, but appropriate.
Modern meteorology believes that the humidity suitable for people is:
When the temperature is 15℃ ~ 20℃, the relative humidity is 45% ~ 55%;
When the temperature is 25℃, the relative humidity should be 20%.
When the humidity reaches 80% ~ 100%, the air can hardly absorb water; When the humidity is too low, it can lead to dryness and discomfort of upper respiratory mucosa. In the dog days of summer, due to the effect of high temperature, low pressure and high humidity, sweat is not easy to be discharged and evaporated after sweating, which will make people fidgety, tired and lose appetite.