The number of nacos health instances has decreased.

If you want to design a micro-service cloud architecture that can support global companies, you must first understand the micro-service architecture in depth.

Since Dubbo was replaced by Chunyun, micro-service has become more and more popular. Chunyun Alibaba is the second generation realization of Chunyun produced by Alibaba. It is the solution and essence of Alibaba micro-service, which is widely used in the industry, and the use of micro-service is the general trend.

In recent years, micro-service is a high-frequency question in interviews, and it is a must-ask question almost as long as you go to an Internet company!

Recently, when a friend went to ByteDance for an interview, he experienced the feeling of being completely abused!

This friend was a little ashamed in his speech: the interviewer had given some hints, but he was not fully prepared and the answer was not satisfactory. He didn't expect the interviewer to ask such in-depth questions about Seata, Nacos, Sentinel, Eureka and so on.

How can the registry of 1. microservice registry better prevent concurrent conflicts between reading and writing?

2. Do you know the multilevel cache architecture of Eureka registry?

3. How does 3.Nacos support the access of millions of service instances within Alibaba?

4. Do you know how to design Nacos high concurrency asynchronous registration architecture?

5. How is 5.Sentinel's bottom sliding time window current limiting algorithm realized?

6. How does 6.Sentinel calculate the real-time QPS of online system?

7. How is the 7.Seata Distributed Transaction Coordination Manager implemented?

8. How to design the Seata distributed transaction consistency lock mechanism?

9. How is the 9.Seata distributed transaction rollback mechanism implemented?

10, how to realize the Raft protocol at the bottom of Nacos cluster CP architecture?

1 1。 Is eureka & ampZookeeper cluster architecture brain-dead?

12. How to design a microservice cloud architecture that can support companies all over the world?

After reading it, you may think that the interviews of internet companies are so strict now? What I want to tell you is that there is nothing wrong! Even ask more and deeper! As far as I know, if I can answer half, I can barely pass. If you can answer all twelve questions, you should be a proper technical bull! You can rest assured to vote for the resume of the big factory!

This core knowledge of Java interview for first-line Internet companies covers a wide range of contents, especially micro-service, which contains many first-line Internet interview questions and practical tutorials. The details are as follows:

1, Detailed explanation of micro-service architecture of e-commerce website with billion-level traffic

2.Nacos registration center realizes the splitting of e-commerce micro-services.

3, Ribbon multi-instance service load balancing call actual combat

4.Sentinel service is highly available, with current limiting, fusing and degradation.

5. The actual combat of distributed transaction Seata under micro-service architecture.

6. Routing &; Current limiting &; Security authentication gateway gateway actual combat

7. Detailed explanation of 7.Nacos distributed configuration center.

8. Detailed explanation of micro-service call link tracking and positioning

9. Micro-service automatic monitoring Prometheus &; Grafana explained in detail

10, the middle platform architecture of Ali JD.COM back-end micro-service in actual combat.

1, in-depth analysis of Nacos service registration and source code discovery

2. heartbeat mechanism and source code analysis of service health check.

3. How does 3.Nacos registry prevent multi-node read-write concurrent conflicts?

4. Analysis of high concurrency of Nacos supporting asynchronous tasks and memory queues.

5. Source code analysis of Raft protocol at the bottom of 5.Nacos cluster CP architecture.

6. Analyze Nacos & from the problem of brain fissure; Similarities and Differences of Eureka & city zoo Architecture

7. Analysis of SaaS architecture of Alibaba Cloud Super Registration Center.

8. Depth analysis of 8.Sentinel bottom sliding time window current limiting algorithm

9. Calculate the real-time QPS of online system by Sentinel's measurement mechanism.

Analysis of rollback mechanism of 10 and Seata distributed transactions

1. Detailed description of distributed transactions in microservice architecture

2, 10 minute fast actual combat Ali distributed trading framework Seata

3. AT model architecture and data model design in 3.Seata.

4. Detailed explanation of the principle of 4.Seata transaction manager.

5. Source code analysis of 5.Seata global transaction and branch transaction.

6. Extended source code analysis of 6.Seata data source agent.

7. The underlying source code analysis of 7.Seata transaction isolation level

8, Seata transaction timeout, two-stage fault solution source code analysis.

9. Analysis of performance difference between AT mode and TCC mode in production environment.

This chapter of micro-service contains so much content, and also covers other interview questions, as follows