How to improve your waking state of mind through meditation?

How to improve your waking state of mind through meditation?

We all know how to improve our waking state of mind through meditation, and spirit is an energy field. Nature stores all her wealth-all her potential, ability and wisdom-in her mind. Now share how to improve your waking state of mind through meditation!

How to improve your waking state of mind through meditation 1 Guide the benefits of meditation on sleep.

1. Relieve pressure

Insomnia doesn't cause all stress, but those who often face stress may face insomnia. If you can manage your stress effectively, you can also manage your sleep effectively.

When your meditation puts you into a deeper state of relaxation, your brain wave activity will slow down. Studies have shown that meditation can help reduce and eliminate 3 1% symptoms of stress, emotional irritability and depression.

By helping you realize your feelings, meditation can separate you from them. By separating yourself from your feelings and emotions, you can free your mind and help you fall asleep. This in turn can make you realize that your emotions can't define you or control you.

When you wake up, there is no stress or anxiety bothering you. How do you feel?

Step 2 experience new things

Meditation is the process of entering your subconscious. Once there, you can implant your intentions, ideas and goals into your imagination and experience. Because your brain can't distinguish between imaginary and real events, imaginary experiences are real to your brain. This gives you the ability to imagine yourself completing the task.

Every task you accomplish in your mind will make your mind relax a little. As your mind continues to slow down, you will find yourself more relaxed.

This will also bring you additional benefits and make you feel that you know exactly what to do the next day. The more vivid your meditation is, the stronger your image will be. If you imagine that you have completed many tasks before you start, you will improve your work efficiency.

Think about it, it's like putting a puzzle together and then taking it apart. Every time you can see all the pieces together, the easier it is for you to achieve that result repeatedly.

Step 3 improve efficiency

Can you recall when you worked hard? Does it feel like a candle burning at both ends? There may be a moment when you realize that you can't even solve the simplest problem. You just keep looking at your work, and your mind is blank. Even fell asleep in frustration, feeling that this task is impossible to complete.

However, when you wake up the next morning, you seem to see the answer in your dream. You suddenly know what you need to do and you can finish the task in a few minutes.

What happened?

Lack of sleep will have a negative impact on your work efficiency. When you don't get enough sleep, your attention will be affected. They are all exhaustible resources, that is, the more times you use them, the less times you can use them for the rest of the day.

When you get proper sleep, you can supplement your attention. This will make you energetic at the beginning of each day and prepare for a new day.

When you don't get enough sleep, you will have poor memory, short reaction time and poor performance.

4. Improve your health

Meditation can not only have a positive impact on your stress and immune system, but also have a positive impact on your health.

As we all know, meditation can improve the level of testosterone. When meditation lowers your stress level, your testosterone level will increase. When the testosterone level is high, the body's ability to produce muscles will also increase.

Another benefit of guided meditation is to improve the quality of sleep, which will improve your body's resilience after exercise.

Change your mind completely.

Meditation can increase the gray matter in the frontal cortex. Your gray matter involves muscle control and sensory perception, such as vision and hearing, memory, emotion, language, decision-making and self-control

Studies have shown that meditation can not only improve "advanced cognitive function, but also change brain activity".

When you sleep, your brain is busier than when you are awake. It will use your sleep time to organize and store the information you absorb all day. Therefore, you often dream about the last thing you saw or read.

By participating in guided meditation to help you fall asleep, you can help you filter and organize your thoughts before you lose consciousness.

The last thought

You can find many instructive meditation videos and audio, which will guide you to achieve various goals. Don't try to say that guided meditation is not for you. It's good to see if you can find something that suits you.

Try different sounds, different goals and different lengths of time until you find a feasible method.

How to improve your waking state of mind through meditation 2 1? Participate in self-dialogue.

At the beginning of meditation practice, please have a gentle conversation with your mind. Sit down quietly and ask yourself, "What do I want?" You will learn a lot from this self-dialogue. You will come into contact with your inner state. You will understand the subtle aspects of your thoughts, your conscience and you will see that you are training yourself.

The purpose of talking to yourself should not be mainly related to what you have done in your life, office or family. Your task is to establish a positive relationship with thoughts, which can effectively ask questions about the purpose of life. You must ask yourself what your purpose is. Otherwise, you are killing your inner teacher, which is the biggest sin in life.

Let you be friends. When you talk to friends, you will accept some things, but not others. Build a relationship with your thoughts on the same basis, and don't listen to the temptation of your thoughts. Listen to its suggestions, good ideas and suggestions, and learn to observe your own mentality.

When you do this, you will find that there are two kinds of desires: simple daily desires and higher desires. Two desires are mixed together. When you sit down and meditate, you will think, "I need this thing;" I need that thing. My car is old. I want a new car. These are common things, but don't let yourself suppress these desires by reacting: "Oh, what am I thinking? I shouldn't think like that! "That's useless; Instead, put these ideas in front of you and become an observer of your own thoughts. Don't try to escape; No matter what kind of ideas come up, don't be afraid of your own.

Every time you sit down and meditate, you must first remember the spiritual strength of practice. Think back to the power of the meditation tradition that inspired you. Look at yourself sincerely and ask yourself if you want to meditate, explore, know yourself and develop new living habits. Then, check the inside and see what are the advantages and disadvantages for your practice. Ask yourself if your upcoming thoughts will help you meditate. In this way, your meditation will be guided by your inner higher power, and will not lead to the realization of fantasies and wishes.

Man has three aspects: animal, man and god. Humans are like fallen angels. He was dispersed by the charm and temptation of the world and confused with the secular, thus forgetting his own essence. The purpose of introspection is to see the images in the mind through the sacred lens, so as to restore the understanding of human nature.

Practice witness

Usually, although you have started the internal inspection, you are unable to continue the inspection. You will be influenced by your own thoughts and agree with your own thinking mode. The wisdom of deciding what is useful does not exist in your mind. If you haven't cultivated your spiritual determination, that is, your Three Realms Bodhisattva, then you will find that your thoughts control you. You will find that the images that enter your brain are too easy to distract you. Your mind will create many fantasies and images again and again. These images are the objects of imagination, the results of what you know, hear, think, study or fantasize.

When ideas appear, you either start to worry or enjoy your imagination. Both of these ideas are actually using imagination. Don't get into the habit of enjoying the thinking process and indulging in it without putting it into action; Such daydreaming is dangerous. Many people do this; They like and indulge in imagination, but this is different from creative imagination. Creativity Imagination is the process of imagining things and then letting you express them through your own actions when you are helpful.

Therefore, the first lesson of this approach is simply to let the idea surface and then disappear. The second is to bring important things back to you. The ideas that interest you are those that inspire you to take action. Not all ideas have this power. Not all your ideas need external expression, so please allow them to appear, determine whether they are creative or helpful, and then express useful ideas later.

Your thoughts are not just thoughts. They are people, which is your inner recognition. You are your own world. You are a universe, and all thoughts are people. Just as people live and die, so do thoughts. Some ideas will form a huge groove or brand in your mind. They live in the unconscious. These ideas are called Sam Scalas.

The subconscious is a huge reserve of all our past experiences. Every subtle impression of our thoughts, words and actions is deposited in our subconscious. This is the most comprehensive database in nature. Nothing in this aspect of thinking is inert and dead, but we call it unconscious thinking. Why? Because people usually unconsciously enter this part of themselves and don't understand the content.

This so-called subconscious mind is like the basement of a house. You stored your property there a few years ago, but for a long time, you didn't have a chance to visit it. For years, you even forgot what was stored there. During this long time interval, your basement was flooded several times, the pipes and electrical systems failed, and rats and other animals took over the whole space.

Today, it is difficult for you to enter this dark and moldy basement. You have neither the convenience nor the ability to count the items that have been stored for a long time. In fact, you have given up the basement, but it is still the basement. Things that have been forgotten for a long time in the basement are your things. When you move to the next house, you are responsible for handling or carrying these items with you.

In either case, you must enter the basement. You can't get rid of the past. You can't get rid of your past achievements. You must face them. Your ignorance of the underlying content of consciousness will not make it disappear. Because of ignorance, you may continue to claim that they don't exist, but sooner or later they will come true. Then, you will realize that your huge warehouse in the past is completely conscious and very active. Whether you are awake or asleep, consciously or unconsciously, these impressions will have an impact on you.

If you know how to get rid of these thoughts. You can get freedom from Sam Scalas, or you can get freedom from unconscious thoughts from the impressions gained from the subtle library of pros and cons. You have the right to do so. If it can't be done, then human efforts will be useless.

Usually, we know what is right, but we have no motivation to do it. We also know where we are wrong, but we don't know how to stop doing this. This happens because the content of the subconscious constantly affects our subconscious, that is, its thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Only when we begin to meditate do we realize the breadth of the subconscious mind and the intensity of the content. In order to understand the mystery of life and bring about lasting changes inside and outside, we must go deep into our subconscious. The process of letting you peek into the subconscious is called self-study or introspection.

To understand your subconscious mind, you must keep alert and observe, and gradually cooperate with yourself. Don't embarrass yourself. The mind is like a river. You can't stop thinking. If you try to build some kind of dam or reservoir in it for a period of time, such as beaver trying to stop the river from flowing, it will be a huge disaster in the end. Therefore, don't try to stop or suppress your thoughts. This is a bad way to try to understand or control your thoughts.

The way to deal with invasive ideas is to let everyone (good or bad) come out and become an observer. Start observing your thoughts. Just make sure that no matter what happens, you will not be disturbed. Realize that this idea, whatever it is, will not disturb your life. Thinking in other ways means that you believe that you are weak and your mind is strong. When you get used to witnessing, you can develop a more balanced habit and lose destructive sensitivity and response to positive and negative things.

Get your own elegance

In order to truly witness your thoughts, you need to be closer to your inner life and the source of light. The mind is the best tool in personality, but through practice, you will find that the mind is not omnipotent. Other things give strength to the mind.

There is a source that you can't see with your mind. At some point, you will learn to abandon body consciousness, breathing consciousness, feeling consciousness and ideology, and finally surpass all these. At this moment, you no longer distinguish yourself from the object of thought or the object of the world. At that moment, it showed a state of balance and tranquility. In this state, you are not an inner witness through inner self-efforts, but because that is your identity.

There are four types of grace periods. The first three are the grace of the guru, the grace of the Bible and the divine grace. However, these three steps will only help you if you have your own grace period. But now, your mental state is shrouded in dust. If you just shake off the dust, your mind will be clean, and you should work hard.

When you do your best and will power, help comes from above. This is the power of falling. When you use up all your rising power, the falling power of grace period comes. God's grace is light. The sun is there, the moon is there, and all the light in the world is there. Once you get your own grace, the divine grace is there.

The road to this height is the road of inner journey. On this journey, you will learn to understand the unknown aspects of life. It will make you creative and talented. It will take you into the silence, life and glory of the stream of wisdom, which is the source of life established by the fountain. If you know how to use your mind, you can succeed, whether you have your heart or not. Then you can really learn to enjoy life. So life is complete.

4. Revitalize your practice

If you want to develop your mind and become a serious meditation student, the first thing you must learn is to get up when you wake up. If you are awake, but still lying in bed, it's because there are dim spots, laziness or inertia in your character. Your brain will say, "Oh, today is Sunday, and I don't have to work, so I'm bedridden." That's a bad way to train yourself. This is a bad way to teach you thoughts. Whether it is Sunday or Monday, you should get up. Otherwise, it will waste time and energy, form bad habits and affect physical and mental health.

Pick up the morning lotion, clean it, finish it, and then do something useful. Don't sit around and do nothing. Sleepiness and laziness are caused by not doing things on time, not forming beneficial habits or not controlling one's appetite. The habit of exercising in this way will directly affect the exercise of the brain.

This is an important secret of life: if you don't do anything useful in your spare time, your thoughts will be disorganized and your energy will be wasted. Ideas are like immature fruits that have not been eaten by anyone. Mature fruit means putting positive thoughts into practice. Those great, successful, creative and energetic people know how to put all their good ideas into practice and how to form forms in their creative thinking process.

Positive and energetic people can perform their duties well because they have established coordination between thoughts, words and actions. Don't be afraid of the word "discipline", because you need to train yourself to make progress. Books can't help you with this kind of training; There is no outside help for you. You must know yourself. You need to ask yourself what you think, why you are emotional, and what's wrong with your mind. You need to consider why you often don't do what you really want to do. Leave these questions to yourself and you will find the answers.

Only through such training and self-discipline can you really understand yourself. Moreover, it will be a fascinating experience when you use all your resources, intelligence and understanding to explore your inner self (that is, the changes in your thoughts and inner state).