Most of these ingredients are contained in the following foods:
Vitamin A-yellow fruits such as oranges; Vegetables such as carrots and pumpkins; Fish etc.
Vitamin C- fruits (especially citrus fruits); Green leafy vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower; Berries such as strawberries, blueberries and raspberries; Potatoes and sweet potatoes.
Vitamin e- nuts, seeds, avocados, vegetable oil, fish oil, etc.
Selenium-Brazilian fruit, tuna, cabbage, etc.
Zinc-pumpkin, sunflower seeds, fish, almonds, etc.
One of the most important functions of vegetables and fruits is to provide antioxidants for our bodies.
The best source of natural antioxidants
Usually, you can judge whether a certain vegetable or fruit has a large oxidant or its color, and you will get more useful vitamins to eat. Berry leaders are talking about antioxidants-blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries and blueberries, all of which are rich in flavonoids. The successful destruction of flavonoid free radicals leads to the disintegration of the health effects you can do, including peroxide free radicals, superoxide free radicals, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl free radicals and singlet oxygen.
Healthy food is not necessarily tasteless; You can eat berries in the desert. Without syrup, the antioxidant properties of berries will be reduced. However, add milk, cream or other dairy products. The function of milk obviously reduces the natural antioxidants. So remember to prepare for the desert.
Oranges, citrus fruits and other popular sources are antioxidant vitamins. If you prefer drinking juice to eating oranges, choose freshly squeezed juice.
Where can I find natural antioxidants?
Not all antioxidant fruits and vegetables. Green tea is a good flavonoid. So if you are a tea lover, choose green varieties.
Coffee is an unusual source of antioxidants. It can not only help you wake up in the cold, slow down in the morning, but also provide you with antioxidants. According to scranton, a researcher at a research university, coffee is the most important source of antioxidants for Americans. Decaffeinated coffee is as good as regular coffee, but you have to remember-no milk.
Dark chocolate contains antioxidants. So, you see, sometimes we all like food, which is good for your health anyway.
Include antioxidants.
Teach you to eat fruits as snacks, not ordinary junk snacks. Dried fruits are oxidants, and dates and plums are the leading ones, which is naturally good news. However, of course, if you are watching, you should be careful about your weight, because all dried fruits are high in sugar and so on.
Side dishes like coriander. Coriander and radish are good sources of antioxidants. In addition, spices are the highest antioxidants in food, which can not only give you rich food flavor, but also provide vitamins.
Oil pan is a popular cooking method, which retains the antioxidants in vegetables. Vitamins are most easily destroyed by heat, so it's so expensive for you to be a chef. The more you.
Getting into daily life is not as difficult as you think. A cup of black coffee in the morning, some fruits and snacks, then lunch and dinner, berry desert, you are natural. The key here is to be regular.