How to block unhealthy websites?

First, use the shielding function of IE browser.

Second, add a custom blacklist with 360 security guard web firewall. The operation is very simple, so I won't go into details.

Third, modify the HOSTS file to intercept malicious websites (this method is recommended to effectively intercept malicious websites).

Method: Just find the Hosts file in the folder C:\ Windows \ System32 \ Drivers \ etc, then open it with Notepad (Windows 9x/Me system is in the folder C: \ Windows), add malicious urls and save it.

Let's take this website that we want to block now as a list.

Open the Hosts file in the system folder with Notepad, open a new line in the file, enter " /my.html" (the input is without quotation marks, but there is a space between the IP address and URL), then save the file and exit. When you browse Baidu space and the /my.htm page pops up again, the system will automatically parse it as "0.0.0".

Note: Add a separate line of records in the format of "ip address+space+domain name". There should be no spaces before the ip address, and there should be at least 1 spaces between the IP address and the domain name. Remember to save the file after modification.