Female, forty years old, in good health. Can she be a surrogate?

It should be said that you raised a very complicated question. IVF is a series of techniques that use reproductive assistance technology to send sperm, eggs and embryos into human body after in vitro treatment to help infertile couples have children, including artificial insemination, tubal gamete transfer and in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer. This technology involves many disciplines, but the first test-tube baby in China was born in Beijing on 1988. It should be said that this technology is relatively mature. There is no report about your question at present, and the success probability of the second generation of IVF is probably below 25%.

For other details, please consult the local regular women's health hospital.

Which patients can IVF help?

Infertility patients caused by fallopian tube factors: obstruction caused by fallopian tube obstruction or inflammation; Patients after tubal ligation; Patients who have bilateral fallopian tubes removed due to ectopic pregnancy can only rely on "test-tube babies" to achieve the purpose of fertility;

Unexplained infertility patients

Patients with endometriosis
