How did you feel when you found your first white hair?

I was particularly surprised when I found my first white hair. I always thought there were only three kinds of white hair:

NO. 1 gray hair occurs because of blood problems, or something is missing in the body or less than normal people.

NO.2 with the growth of age, years leave traces of white hair.

NO.3 people who have pressure in life and often think about it are sentimental and white-haired.

As for me, I was young, healthy and had no pressure in my life, so I was surprised when my first gray hair appeared. Next, let's talk about the reason for this long white hair. When I was in high school, our beautiful math teacher was very strict. She doesn't scold us and never hits us, but she has a charm that everyone admires and fears. Therefore, all the math homework in our class must be handed in every time, without exception. Yes, you are not mistaken. Even students who never study in the class will hand in their homework even if they copy it. In the summer vacation of Grade Three, one of the assignments given to us by the math teacher was to sort out all the notes and exercises that had been taken in senior high school. This is not a simple project, how to complete it in a short time, how to obtain and copy it? Ten days after the summer vacation, I can't sit still. I didn't finish asking all my classmates, so the first gray hair in my life was dedicated to my dear math. Finally, I decided to do it myself, rummaged through textbooks and workbooks, and finally completed this huge project at the beginning of school. This is the first gray hair in my life. After that, so far, I haven't found the second one.

Therefore, everyone should keep a good attitude and don't have white hair early.