What does it mean to do human experiments in a hotel?

It refers to experiments on people (patients or healthy people) to obtain the information needed by the experimenters.

This kind of experiment is an important part of medical research, and many volunteers participate in medical clinical trials. Others volunteered to be subjects of basic medical and biological experiments.

Some experiments on cosmetics or ingredients need to be carried out on people rather than animals.

There are also some famous examples in which doctors do experiments directly on their own bodies in order to avoid endangering others' lives. This practice is also called self-test.

This is not a therapeutic act.

Human experiment is a new field of medical exploration and research. Therefore, this is a dangerous activity for the subjects. Those who engage in human experiments must abide by the Helsinki Declaration of the World Medical Congress-Ethical Guidelines for Human Medical Research, and abide by relevant domestic laws. Otherwise, it is an illegal human experiment. Different countries use different criminal offences to punish them.