1, oral diseases. If cats suffer from dental diseases such as dental calculus or gingivitis, it will lead to an increase in oral secretions of cats. The owner should pay attention to check the cat's oral condition.
2, kidney disease. For example, chronic renal failure, the accumulation of metabolites in cats, and gradually lead to electrolyte imbalance, anemia and other conditions.
3, acute gastritis. Cats suffer from acute gastritis, and stomach irritation can cause cats to drool. Similarly, laryngitis and parotid gland swelling can also cause cats to drool.
4. Drug stimulation. When the cat drools after taking the medicine, the owner had better take the cat to the hospital for consultation to see if it should stop taking the medicine.
5, vitamin B deficiency When cats lack vitamin B, oral ulcers will occur. At this time, bloody saliva will flow out, and the taste is very smelly.