1, this soup is not suitable for people with cold, fever or phlegm-dampness constitution. Ducks have the function of nourishing yin and enriching blood. As the saying goes, ducklings are wet and poisonous, while old ducks nourish yin. Therefore, people with moisture in their bodies should stop eating this snack, which will make their bodies wetter. Duck meat is bloody, cold and salty, and it is not suitable for people with colds.
2. People with weak stomach, such as the elderly, patients with gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer, should eat less duck blood vermicelli soup. Because the digestion speed of vermicelli is slow.
3, three high people should also pay attention to the intake of duck blood vermicelli soup. Because of duck liver, duck intestines and so on. They are all added to duck blood vermicelli soup. These all contain some cholesterol, so we should avoid too much cholesterol. And these problems are not snail powder.