What are the high-risk factors that affect health?

Gene: Angelina Jolie, a famous American movie star, carries a gene called BRCA 1, which greatly increases her risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer. This gene is a typical high risk factor.

Viral and bacterial infections: Recently, the most dangerous high-risk factor for human beings is the well-known COVID-19 (coronavirus pneumonia-19).

Primary carcinogen: Smog is the biggest pathogenic factor of lung cancer in northern China. The unique atomization therapy of Batvisai Medical Park has a significant effect on respiratory problems caused by smog.

Unhealthy eating habits: The Lancet, an authoritative medical journal, pointed out that unhealthy eating habits are the primary risk factor for global death. However, the mortality rate of cardiovascular disease and cancer caused by dietary problems in China ranks first in the world.

Obesity: Obesity will lead to an increase in the incidence of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and asthma, as well as a high incidence of 13 cancers. Many years' research in Batvisai Medical Park has pointed out that obesity is an important factor leading to the increase of the incidence of intestinal cancer in women. As long as the body mass index exceeds 30, the risk of intestinal cancer will double immediately.