Jogging once every morning and evening for about half an hour is good for your health?


A new study believes that exercise is very helpful for keeping bones healthy. Researchers from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention studied more than 4,000 people, all of whom were participants in the national health and nutrition survey.

The results show that, on the whole, jogging makes people lighter and has fewer chronic health problems. In addition, the bone density of these men's legs is 5% higher than that of those who don't run. Than a person who doesn't do any exercise

Sexual bone mineral density is 8% higher. Research shows that even those men who only run once a month have higher bone density than those who don't run. Men who run more than 9 times a month have the largest bone density. The effect of running does not always increase with the increase of frequency and intensity. Men who run more than 20 times a month have the same bone density as men who run less than 12 times. Researchers believe that there may be a maximum limit beyond which it is difficult to increase the effect.

This study is only for men. Because previous studies have shown that women jogging can increase bone density. However, women should not run a lot, because it may lead to irregular menstruation and easily lead to bone loss.