Basic information source of role
This is the first step in creating a role. The first thing to decide is the basic information of the role. Here, you can choose whether to customize the role or choose one of the original script roles to play.
Custom role or original script role
Custom (custom)
Customize your role
Original script role (origin story)
Most settings for such roles are preset. The biggest difference between them and custom characters is that they have their own unique stories and there are a lot of unique dialogue options in the game. All the characters in the original script may be companions. For details, please see: If the companion is a custom role, you should select the gender and background of the role on this page.
You can play the role of male or female at will, and you won't get any special gains or losses because of their gender differences.
Every story has a beginning. The background item of the character explains its origin, how to become an adventurer and its position in the world. Your soldier may be a brave knight or a soldier who loves to cry and complain. Your mage may be a saint or a craftsman. Your thief may be a guild thief or a court clown who confuses the public.
Choosing a background provides you with an important story clue about the role identity. In this context, the key question is: What has changed? For what reason did you give up the life described in the background and start an adventure? How do you get your starting equipment? Or, if you were once rich, why didn't you have more money? How did you learn your current vocational skills? What makes you different from ordinary people in your hometown?
Liars, charlatans, crooked experts are good at cheating and profiting from it. Criminals are trouble magnets, while gangsters are well-connected and often get away with it. Artists are good at performing and are the stars of the party, attracting and inciting the audience. Folk heroes, civilian heroes, weeding out the strong and helping the weak, resisting hegemony and killing monsters. Aristocratic Phelan, born in a noble family, is rich and powerful, and the children at home are pampered.
Attribute value ability score
Occupational importance
Strength, exercise and basic physical strength, agility, dexterity, flexibility, reflexivity, balance and stability, physique, health, endurance and vitality, intelligence, intelligence, mental acuity, ability to recall information and analyze, perception of wisdom, vigilance, intuition and insight, charm, confidence, eloquence and leadership.
The attribute value and race of a character can also be used as reference factors for you to shape its appearance and personality. A very strong character with a low intelligence value is very different from a very smart character with a low intelligence value in thinking and performance.
For example, a high intensity value usually means that the character has a tall and strong figure, while a low intensity value character may be thin or fat. A character with high agility is likely to be soft and slim, while a character with low agility may be thin, clumsy or heavy and dull. Characters with high physical fitness often have a very healthy appearance, such as bright eyes, and are always full of vitality. A character with low physical fitness may look sick or weak. A character with high intelligence may be diligent and curious, while a character with low intelligence may speak simply, directly or carelessly. The character with high perception value has good judgment and sensitive sensibility to things, and is always vigilant. A character with low perception may be absent-minded, reckless or indifferent to his surroundings. Characters with high charm value reveal self-confidence, and sometimes manners are mixed with politeness or intimidation. The image of a less attractive character may be rude, inarticulate or timid.