(1) Existence: Health data shows the existence of health problems.
(2) Potential: health information shows that there are harmful factors to the nursing object, and problems will occur if nursing measures are not taken. The form of the statement is "danger".
(3) Possibility: There are suspicious factors, but there are no strong data to support them, or the related reasons are unknown. The form of the statement is: "It is possible ...".
(4) Health: It describes that individuals, families or communities have the potential to develop to a higher level of health. The presentation methods are: "potential promotion" and "effective implementation". (exchange)
Malnutrition: more than the body needs.
Malnutrition: below the body's needs.
Malnutrition: Potential exceeding physical needs.
There is a risk of infection.
Risk of temperature change.
Hypothermia (hypothermia)
Hyperthermia; hyperthermia
Invalid temperature adjustment is invalid.
Reflex disorder
Perceptual structure
colon sex constipation
Diarrhea (diarrhea)
Intestinal incontinence
Urination change
Stress urinary incontinence (Sires urinary incontinence)
Reflex out of control
Urgency urinary incontinence
Functional incontinence (functional incontinence)
Total incontinence (total incontinence)
Urine retention
Altered tissue perfusion (kidney, brain, heart and lungs, gastrointestinal tract, peripheral blood vessels).
Excess liquid
Insufficient liquid capacity
Risk of insufficient liquid capacity.
Decreased cardiac output (deer. A. Ed Caderas Cooper)
Damaged gas exchange (infrared gas exchange)
Invalid airway cleaning.
Invalid breathing pattern
You can't maintain spontaneous breathing, you can't maintain it.
Ventilator dependence (DVWR)
Risk of injury.
Danger of suffocation.
Trauma risk.
Risk of inhalation.
Self-protection ability changes (change protection)
Impaired organizational integrity.
Oral mucosal changes
Impaired skin integrity
Risk of impaired skin integrity.
Internal adaptability declines.
Energy field interference (communication)
Affected language communicators (relative)
Damaged social interaction
Social isolation (social isolation)
There is a risk of being isolated (the risk is. )
Role disorder (change of role performance)
Parents are incompetent (change parenting style)
The risk of changing parents.
The risk of parents/babies/children att 8 chfffi 6 lt changing.
Sexual dysfunction (sexual dysfunction)
Change the family process
Caution, tense role
The risk of stress in the role of caregivers.
Changing Family Roles: Alcoholism (Changing Family Process)
Parent role conflict (Parental Role Conflict)
Changeable model (valuation)
Mental distress (mental distress)
Improving mental health: improving potential, mental health (choice).
Personal response is invalid.
Impairment regulation
Defensive coping (defensive coping)
Defensive denial (defensive denial)
Ineffective family coping: disability.
Ineffective family coping: compromise.
Family Coping: Growth Potential
Community coping: enhancing the potential of community coping.
Invalid community response.
Treatment plan management is invalid (individual).
Non-compliance (specify)
Compliance with treatment plan is invalid (family) (ineffective management of treatment plan: ((family))
Ineffective management of treatment system: community.
Compliance with treatment plan is effective (individual) (effective management of treatment plan: individual).
Decision conflict) (specify) (specify)
Medical seeking behavior (concrete) (concrete) (touching)
Impaired physical activity
Risk of peripheral nerve dysfunction (risk of peripheral nerve dysfunction).
There is a risk of perioperative trauma (perioperative localized injury risk).
Activity intolerance (activity endurance)
Fatigue (fatigue)
There is a risk of activity intolerance.
Sleep pattern disorder (sleep pattern disorder)
Insufficient diversified activities.
Damaged family maintenance management
Change health maintenance.
Feeding self-care defect (feeding self-care defect)
Ineffective breastfeeding (ineffective breastfeeding)
Breastfeeding interruption (breathing interruption 1 giving up)
Breastfeeding is effective.
Invalid infant feeding mode.
Bathing/hygiene self-care defects.
Dressing/grooming self-care disorder
Toilet self-care defect
Change growth and development.
Environmental change stress syndrome (resettlement stress syndrome)
There is a risk of baby behavior disorder.
Chaotic baby behavior.
The potential danger of disorganization
Body image disorder (body image disorder)
Self-esteem disorder (SolfEsteem disorder)
Chronic low self-esteem.
Situational low self-esteem.
Personal identity disorder (personal identity disorder)
Sensory/perceptual changes (specificity) (vision, hearing, kinesthetic, taste, touch, smell).
Unilateral sensory loss (unilateral sensory loss)
Despair (honesty)
There is nothing I can do (know)
Lack of knowledge (concrete) (concrete explanation)
Damaged environmental explanation
Sudden confusion of consciousness.
Progressive disorder (chronic disorder)
Changing thinking process
Memory impairment) (feeling)
Pain (pain)
Chronic pain
Abnormal sadness (abnormal crying)
Anticipated sadness (premonitory sadness)
Risk of violence: the risk of violence (self-guidance or neglect of others).
There is a risk of self-injury.
Post-traumatic reaction
Rape trauma syndrome (rape trauma syndrome)
Rape trauma syndrome: compound reaction.
Rape trauma syndrome: rape trauma syndrome: silence.
Anxiety (anxiety)
Fear (fear)