How is it that children are always caught in their legs?

Health means that there is no disease in the body, but also mental health. My personal opinion is that this may be related to children's mental health.

One of children's behavior problems is about habitual rubbing or pinching legs, which is more common in girls than boys. Girls often wipe their legs cross-legged, facial flushing stares at them, and then sweat slightly on their foreheads, which can last for several minutes, often before going to bed or just waking up, or playing alone. This habit is mainly caused by local stimulation, such as vulvar inflammation in girls or dermatitis caused by phimosis in boys. Rub because of itching, and then develop into habitual action on a secondary basis. There are also a few children who want to attract the attention of adults because of mental and emotional neglect. The former is more common.

Suggestions for correcting this habit:

First of all, we should find the cause and treat it immediately, such as expelling pinworms and controlling local inflammation.

Second, parents of children with this habit should not be anxious and nervous, nor should they take a scolding, punishing or cynical attitude. We should persuade them to gradually correct it, let the children exercise properly before going to bed, fall asleep quickly when they feel tired, and wake up immediately after waking up. Don't wear tights at ordinary times, avoid wearing too much and don't cover too much when sleeping. When doing so, children should try to shift their attention to other activities.

I hope I can help you.