Height:170-172:122-134 kg perfect, 135- 149 kg slightly fat, 154 kg obese.
Height173-175:131-kloc-0/40 kg, perfect,141-kloc-0/55 kg, slightly fat.
Height:176-178:136-146 kg, perfect, 147- 16 1 kg, slightly fat,/kloc.
Height179-180:143-150kg perfect,151-kloc-0/65kg slightly fat, 170 kg slightly fat.
Height181-183:148-156 kg, perfect,157-17/kg, slight.
Height:184-185:152-160kg perfect,16/-175kg slightly fat,175kg slightly fat.
Height185-187:158-156kg perfect, 167- 18 1 kg slightly fat, 186 kg slightly fat.
Height188-190:162-172kg perfect, 173- 187 kg slightly obese, larger than I92 kg obese.
According to the definition of the World Health Organization, height cm minus 80 times 70% is the standard weight of men.
According to the above formula, let's give an example: if a boy weighs 70 kilograms and is 1.75 meters tall. His body mass index is 70:1.75×1.75 = 22.86. The ideal BMl index is 22, and the body mass index of healthy weight is 18.5-24.9. If it is lower than 18.5, it is thin.
Ways for men to lose weight
Pay attention to the three-meal diet: Male friends must control their food intake during weight loss, and pay attention to eating enough fruits and vegetables every day.
Regularity of work and rest: When male friends decide to lose weight, they must abide by the normal routine of work and rest, reduce staying up late, go to bed early and get up early.
Jumping exercise: Jumping exercise is a good way to lose weight. Male friends can improve their physical function and lose weight effectively by jumping.
Do sit-ups: Sit-ups are one of the exercises that are very suitable for men to lose weight, but when doing this exercise, it is best not to lie on a soft bed to practice, which is not conducive to losing weight. It is best to lie on the yoga mat to ensure the posture standard and achieve the effect of reducing fat.