Hospital test report form, help analyze!

Analysis and recommendations are as follows:

1, look at the laboratory report, generally have to write the reference value, because different units, instruments, methods, the reference value may be completely different.

2, according to the following reference value, your laboratory test is completely normal, are within the reference value range.

Urea nitrogen is 7.27 reference value (2.5-7.5mmol/l);

Creatinine is 96 reference value (44-130umol/l);


Uric acid

Male 2.7




Female 2.6




Anti-streptococcal hemolysin 93 (reference value 0-200 IU/ml);

Rheumatoid factor 14 (reference value 0-15 IU/ml);

Hematological sedimentation value 10 (reference value 0-15 mm/h);

3, If the symptoms are typical of certain rheumatoid rheumatoid, there are individuals who will not be tested, but must be treated according to rheumatism or rheumatoid rheumatoid.

4, according to your description, may not belong to the rheumatism or rheumatoid, but still recommended to the rheumatology and immunology department of a major hospital to clearly diagnose.

5, if it does not belong to rheumatism, to the regular Chinese medicine hospital acupuncture physiotherapy treatment treatment, very effective.

Additional answers to questions:

1, urea


mmol/L, just a little on the high side, not a big problem. Increased urea is seen in a variety of renal substantial lesions, such as glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis, acute and chronic renal failure, intrarenal occupational and destructive lesions 。。。。

2, it is recommended to review the urea, urine routine, and then do ultrasound to see.

3, "the back of the foot pain (the last few days fingers and toes also pain), not pain in the joints", early rheumatoid is not impossible, but it is really not good to determine, it is recommended to go to a large hospital rheumatology and immunology department for a clear diagnosis and treatment. Rheumatoid generally involves small joints, there is a "morning stiffness" phenomenon.

4, the West China Sea fisherman

netizen rich knowledge, answer the question is also very serious, worthy of the respect of the majority of netizens, but I have a problem with you debatable:

I said above, "because of the different units, instruments, methods, the reference value may be completely different," for example, the unit of uric acid is different, its reference value is tens of times different, the difference between the different units. For example, the reference value of uric acid differs from one unit to another by a factor of tens of times, so to say, the difference is a hundred thousand miles!!!!

Uric acid, for example, is listed as follows:

In μmol/L, the reference value is about 150~~440;

In μmol/L, the reference value is about 2.3-6.1.

Additionally, I answered the question with the word "may", but not "definitely". "definitely".