Water cleaning: ordinary enema → unknown colon hydrotherapy instrument → after strict filtration of pure water, do not have to worry about bacteria carried into the body
Water temperature control: ordinary enema → not easy to control the colon hydrotherapy instrument → chip-controlled temperature safety device within the instrument, water and electricity isolation heating, the water temperature is constant at around 35 ° C, and the temperature of the body basically in line with the instrument displays The temperature is clear at a glance.
Water pressure in the intestines: ordinary enema → not easy to control the large bowel hydrotherapy instrument → high-precision point-touch water pressure control device through the chip will be controlled within 3P pressure, more than the automatic stopping of water intake.
Health care and treatment: ordinary enema → for the treatment of constipation, etc., the operation is not convenient Large bowel hydrotherapy instrument → daily health care, easy to operate, can cure constipation, slimming, detoxification and beauty, to enhance the human body functions, instead of the traditional enema, does not cause dependence.
Part of the action: ordinary enema → only in the rectum part of the effect of large bowel hydrotherapy instrument → can be caused by all the parts of the colon
Comfort Ordinary enema → low, with abdominal distension and a sense of excretion large bowel hydrotherapy instrument → high, with a slight sense of abdominal distention and excretion