How much office space is needed for the medical equipment business license class II or III?

According to the "Wuhan Medical Device Business Enterprise Business Premises and Storage and Distribution Conditions Several Provisions":

The medical device business license two or three types of certificates need the office area as follows:

Medical device retail business enterprise premises area, display conditions, functional partition regulations:

Medical device retail franchise, operating the second class, third class Medical devices combined 10 class code below, the floor area of the premises should not be less than 30 square meters; operating medical devices combined more than 10 class code, the floor area of the premises should not be less than 60 square meters.



According to the "Dongguan Food and Drug Administration on the third class of medical equipment business wholesale enterprise business premises and storage area set standards":

Article 5 There are one of the following business behavior, the third class of medical equipment business Wholesale enterprises can not set up a separate medical device warehouse:

(a) all entrusted to other medical device manufacturers and operators to provide storage, distribution services for medical equipment business enterprises for storage;

(b) specializing in medical device software or medical magnetic *** vibration, medical X-ray, medical high-energy rays, medical nuclide equipment, and other large medical equipment;

(C) Guangdong Province, the food and drug supervision and management department of the other can not set up a separate medical equipment warehouse.

Wuhan Food and Drug Administration - Wuhan medical device business premises and storage